Tell your reps to cosponsor the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced plans to take the federal government back in time to the reefer madness era, to prosecute marijuana users, dispensaries, and growers in states where it’s been legalized, Justin Amash tweeted about how we could go forward, instead…

Under our Constitution, marijuana shouldn’t be federally criminalized. @RepTomGarrett has a bill that will stop AG Sessions in his tracks: the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017 (#HR1227), which I’ve cosponsored.

Here’s a list of cosponsors:

— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 5, 2018

HR 1227 removes marijuana from the Controlled Substances Schedule 1 (effectively legalizing it at the federal level) while prohibiting marijuana importation into states where it remains illegal. If you agree with the letter we’ve written to Congress below, please send it, or revise it to suit your needs. – By Perry Willis & Jim Babka, Friday 1/19/18

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