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letter05.php v03 2019-08-12 8:33 AM

Support the Justice Safety Valve Reform Act

This important legislation has been introduced by Rand Paul in the Senate (S.399) and Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott in the House (HR 1097). Paul is a Republican and Scott is a Democrat, so the bill starts out with bipartisan support. This legislation will go beyond the recently passed First Step Act. It will… 

Permit federal judges to impose sentences below mandatory minimums!

It has been shown quite clearly that mandatory minimum sentences discriminate against minorities, waste money, violate common sense, and do nothing to reduce crime.

Mandatory minimums force federal judges to issue indiscriminate punishments, regardless of involvement, criminal history, mental health, addiction, and other mitigating factors.

One result is that the supposed land of the free and home in the brave incarcerates more people (per capita) than most dictatorships do!

The bill does eliminate mandatory minimums in all cases. But it’s another big step forward. Tell your reps to co-sponsor this bill.

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