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Restore federal parole

The “land of the free” incarcerates too many people, especially at the federal level. There are several causes for this…

All of this harms American freedom. It’s also expensive. A year in prison costs more than a year in college.

As explained in my letter to Congress, below, the War on Drugs is the most extreme example of all three problems listed above.

Plus, the belief that some prisoners are too dangerous to release due to violence or sexual crimes is a very expensive myth. People imprisoned for homicide and sexual assault are actually the least likely to re-offend after release. Moreover, homicide convicts are the least likely to be re-arrested. Rape and sexual assault re-arrest rates are 30-50% lower than for those convicted for larceny and motor vehicle theft. Prudence dictates the need to re-think both the number of people our politicians incarcerate and the length of the sentences they impose.

Simply, we must reduce the prison population. Tell your representatives to restore federal parole. – Jim Babka, Downsize DC President

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Procedure to send an email to your Representative

  1. Visit www.house.gov The official website for the US House of Representatives.
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  1. Visit www.senate.gov/senators/How_to_correspond_senators.htm
  2. follow the instructions

Procedure to send an email to the President

  1. Visit www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
  2. follow the instructions

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