letter05.php v03 2019-08-12 8:33 AM
Use the form below to ask Congress to…
- Cut spending in general
- Cut spending in a specific area
You can…
- Use the sample letter we provide
- Edit that letter to fit your needs
- Write your own letter from scratch
Your position will…
- Be counted by each Congressional office,
- Educate the Congressional staffer who reads it
It may also…
- Be passed up the chain of command,
- Receive a reply (many DC Downsizers get them). If you receive such a letter, please share it with us at Comments@DownsizeDC.org.
While you’re here, please also consider sending a letter on one of our major legislative proposals…
Sending Letters from this page is suspended
Please email feedback@downsizedc.org if you would like this page reinstated.If you do not want to wait for our maintenance to be completed you may use the following suggested Subject and Text and follow a procedure below.
Subject: | Cut spending |
Suggested Text:
Procedure to send an email to your Representative
- Visit www.house.gov The official website for the US House of Representatives.
- Enter your zip code under FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE near the top right
- click LOOK UP
- click on the envelop icon that appears under your representatives picture.
- follow the instructions
Procedure to send an email to a Senator
- Visit www.senate.gov/senators/How_to_correspond_senators.htm
- follow the instructions
Procedure to send an email to the President
- Visit www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
- follow the instructions