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letter05.php v03 2019-08-12 8:33 AM

Pardon Julian Assange

Julian Assange threatens the world’s rulers. That means he benefits the people. His Wikileaks does what the media does, only better. He must be defended by all who love freedom. Only “servile bootlickers” will decline to act on his behalf.

Trump should pardon Assange.

That’s the only way to give him (and Wikileaks) long-term protection against a vengeful political class. This is Trump’s big chance to show he hasn’t been co-opted by The Establishment. He requires your encouragement (pressure) to do the right thing.

Moreover, your “representatives” in Congress need to know where you stand. They have access to the media and are, themselves, levers of power. They should take the right stand, thanks to your pressure. They should see your correspondence to President Trump.

Send the letter we’ve written or edit it into your own words. We’ll send you a copy of your letter, via email.

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Subject:    Pardon Julian Assange

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Procedure to send an email to your Representative

  1. Visit www.house.gov The official website for the US House of Representatives.
  2. Enter your zip code under FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE near the top right
  3. click LOOK UP
  4. click on the envelop icon that appears under your representatives picture.
  5. follow the instructions

Procedure to send an email to a Senator

  1. Visit www.senate.gov/senators/How_to_correspond_senators.htm
  2. follow the instructions

Procedure to send an email to the President

  1. Visit www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
  2. follow the instructions

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