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letter05.php v03 2019-08-12 8:33 AM

Pardon Ross Ulbricht

Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road’s founder) literally harmed no one. So why is he serving more than two life sentences without the possibility of parole? Ross Ulbricht photo

Our letter, below, quickly explains the case. And you can use it to tell President Trump to pardon Ross. Better yet, write your own letter.

If you need more details, arguments for this case, review the article we wrote when Downsize DC filed an amicus curiae brief on his behalf: How YOU can help #FreeRoss Ulbricht of Silk Road

Either way, the #FreeRoss effort needs your help, and we’ve made it incredibly easy to act. – Jim Babka, President

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Subject:    Pardon Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road)

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Procedure to send an email to your Representative

  1. Visit www.house.gov The official website for the US House of Representatives.
  2. Enter your zip code under FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE near the top right
  3. click LOOK UP
  4. click on the envelop icon that appears under your representatives picture.
  5. follow the instructions

Procedure to send an email to a Senator

  1. Visit www.senate.gov/senators/How_to_correspond_senators.htm
  2. follow the instructions

Procedure to send an email to the President

  1. Visit www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
  2. follow the instructions

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