Monthly Archives: September 2005
More-with-less Innovation: A little dab will do it
Stems cells of all varieties hold great promise for fixing many health problems, if only you can persuade them to become what you want them to become. What’s the right approach? Should you give them a bath, or just a little pinch of something?:::
Human Innovation: Got hair?
A cure for baldness is the holy grail of the quest for cosmetic pharmaceuticals . . .
Human Innovation: Many voluntary sector prices in free fall
Politicians talk about free education, free medical care, free this, and free that. But the price tag for these “free” things always seem to be measured in the billions of dollars. Meanwhile, in the voluntary sector . . .
Social Power vs. Government Failure: First, do harm
Physicians operate under the principle that their first obligation in treating a patient is “to do no harm.” Big government seems to operate by an entirely different standard.:::
Social Power vs. Government Failure: The only government bus that saved anyone was the “stolen” one
Social Power vs. Government Failure: The only government bus that saved anyone was the “stolen” one
Social Power vs. Government Failure: Doctors yes. Government no.
Hundreds of Doctors have rushed to New Orleans, but the government won’t let them inside the city. That’s crazy enough in itself, but did the government’s central planners ever plan for this non-centralized problem?
Social Power vs. Government Failure
Every single American is a decentralized relief agency mobilizing to aid the people of New Orleans. And every government agency is a choke-point, prohibiting this aid from getting to where it needs to go.:::