Monthly Archives: March 2006
Save our cherries
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . . ::::::Scientists do research demonstrating the health benefits of cherries. Other scientists review this research and validate it. Cherry growers mention this research on their websites, and . . . ::::::The FDA crashes down on them, threatening to fine them and perhaps even seize their orchards!::::::Why? Because the research wasn’t done with the guidance of the FDA. No scientific research about the health benefits of food can be promoted to the public without FDA approval, which costs billions of dollars. ::::::Do you want or need this “protection?” If not, please help Congressman Ron Paul pass the “Health Freedom Protection Act.” This bill would prevent the FDA from silencing peer-reviewed scientific research. Send a message to Congress asking them to pass this bill. You can do so by clicking here. ::::::Media Interview Today!::::::Talk Radio – Local (FLA), Internet, & Satellite ::::::DATE: Wednesday, January 18, 2006:::TIME: 3 PM Eastern::: 2 PM Central::: 1 PM Mountain::: Noon Pacific:::LENGTH: 1 hour:::SHOW: Fate of Nations with Brett Folks:::NETWORK: First Amendment Radio Network:::GUEST: Jim Babka, President:::, Inc. :::TOPIC: Read the Bills Act::::::How to hear the show . . .:::INTERNET: (Real Player or Winamp required):::SATELLITE: Telstar 5 KU Band Frequency: 11836 – Symbol Rate: 20.770 – Vertical Polarization – PID: 62 – Right Channel :::FLAGSHIP AFFILIATE: 95.3 FM, WXEI, in Crestview, Florida – heard from South into Ft Lauderdale and North into Southern Alabama.::::::Carpe Diem,::::::Gary Nolan:::Chair,, Inc. :::
“Online Freedom” Update
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
UPDATE: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has issued its court-ordered regulations covering political expression on the Internet. Individuals have been largely exempted from the burdens of the campaign finance regulations. So far so good. But the Incumbent Protection Gang won’t be satisfied. They’ll almost certainly file suit claiming the FEC has not complied with the original court order. Meanwhile . . .:::
The House leadership has withdrawn the “Online Freedom of Speech Act” once again on the grounds that it is no longer needed. This is a mistake. If they would go ahead and pass this bill the whole matter would be settled. Otherwise, the entire issue is going back to the courts, which have already ruled that Congress originally intended for the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act to apply fully to the Internet. Only Congress can inform the courts differently by passing the “Online Freedom of Speech Act.”:::
Here’s the bottom line: The only reason the FEC went easy on the Internet was because of public pressure. Remember, the original Internet regulations they drafted were harsh, not easy. Public pressure makes a difference! So now we need to apply pressure on Congress to go ahead and pass the “Online Freedom of Speech Act.” You can do so here.:::
Plus, if you reside in the districts of the House leaders, Hastert and Boehner, please call them and ask them to bring the “Online Freedom of Speech Act” to a vote. Our system will provide you with their phone numbers after you send them your electronic message. :::
This is an issue where public pressure has worked, and it can continue to work if we continue to apply it. Thanks for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Jim, Inc.
House to vote on “Online Freedom of Speech Act”
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Word has it that the delayed vote on the “Online Freedom of Speech Act” will take place this week. It’s important to ask Congress once again to pass this legislation. It would preserve for individuals on the Internet the same Freedom of the Press rights that the mainstream media enjoys. Click here to send your message to Congress.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Perry Willis:::Communications, Inc.
We need your friends to help pass the “Read the Bills Act”
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Please click here to send another message to Congress asking them to pass’s “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA). And then forward this to anyone you know who might think Congress should actually read the laws it passes.:::
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Congress has received 32,052 messages in support of the “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA). This pressure has already prompted two different Representatives to offer anemic bills that would do a small part of what RTBA would do — but only as a rule that Congress could easily wave, and not as a law that would force them to actually read the bills before they vote. Please add your voice to the rising sound of Americans demanding that Congress read the laws it passes. YOUR VOICE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. An explanation of RTBA follows . . .:::
Nothing but good news!
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
In the 80s there was a song with the lyric, “The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.” Given our recent results at Downsize DC I understand and appreciate that line more than ever. :::
For those of you reading our blog at, you see the constant progress. You can tell we’re excited. You understand. :::
If you’re ever tempted to be depressed . . . if you wonder whether we’ll achieve the goals we’re seeking… if you find yourself doubting we’ll ever Downsize DC, then visit our blog. It’s like a quick dose of serotonin. :::
We had four goals for March . . .:::
More Growth!
In just 24 hours we soared past twenty five thousand, twenty six thousand, twenty seven thousand, and twenty eight thousand Downsize DC messages sent to Congress in the month of March. We also rolled past 250,000 total messages sent to date. ::::::This is now our second best month ever for messages to Congress. And we’re also closing in on 800 new DC Downsizers recruited this month! Thank you to everyone who is helping us grow!
Don’t let them hide inflation!
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Please forward to anyone you know who cares about the value of their money.:::
Dear friend, :::
The Federal Reserve can create new dollars out of thin air. Much of the federal government’s deficit spending is funded with this “funny money.” When more dollars are created prices rise and the value of your savings fall. Sadly . . .:::
We believe the Federal Reserve is about to create a whole bunch of new money. Why? Because, starting March 23 the Fed will stop publishing a statistic called M3. M3 is the best guide to how much new currency the Fed is creating. The only reason to stop publishing M3 is because . . .:::
The Fed is planning to do a whole lot of “legal counterfeiting,” and wants to hide it. This is a direct threat to your budget and savings. It must be stopped. Fortunately . . .:::
Congressman Ron Paul is sponsoring legislation to force the Fed to continue reporting M3. We need to force this legislation through Congress. It’s the best brake we have to stop inflation. And the brakes come off March 23. :::
Please click here to send Congress a message telling them to pass Ron Paul’s bill.:::
Jim, Inc.
Another Messages-to-Congress Milestone
The Messages-to-Congress “odometer” just rolled over 23,000. Thank you to everyone who is helping Downsize DC grow.