Monthly Archives: May 2007
Real ID on radio
Last week, I appeared on two radio shows. The first with Kevin Shannon. The second with Jerry Hughes. ::::::The topic? The Real ID Act. ::::::If you want to understand what’s wrong with the Real ID Act in clear arguments and compelling soundbites, I encourage you to listen to these two programs. I’m pleased with how they turned out, and believe you’ll find them helpful. ::::::They are “attached” to this blog post in mp3 format. ::::::In one case, I even changed one of the caller’s minds! If you want to persuade someone, perhaps you could even get them to listen.
Bad words
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::We admit it. We write subject lines to tease you to open the message. Problem is, we then have to provide content that justifies your curiosity. ::::::So what about “bad words?” Are we going to use bad words in this message? Are we going to shock and titillate? Well, maybe. Try on these “bad words” for size . . .
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .::::::There are three days left in the month of May. It’s been one of our best months ever.
REAL ID Trojan Horse vote possible today
Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: REAL ID Trojan Horse vote possible today::::::Yesterday we told you that the immigration bill being considered in the Senate contains provisions that could entangle all U.S. employers and employees in a bureaucratic nightmare similar to what has happened with the terrorist watch list.::::::This bill contains no direct mention of the REAL ID Act, or the de facto national identity card the REAL ID Act would create, but it seems fairly clear to us that REAL ID is woven into this bill, even though it is far from clear that the REAL ID Act can even be implemented.::::::Under this legislation you are going to have to get a green-light from the federal government if you want to hire someone, or if someone wants to hire you. ::::::But what if mistakes are made by this federal system, and you can’t hire someone, or be hired, until the feds correct their errors? What if they NEVER correct their mistakes?
It’s working
Subject: More evidence that YOUR pressure is working::::::Repetition is the soul of persuasion. Repetition can accomplish far more than logical argument, concrete facts, or soaring rhetoric. ::::::To be convinced of something, first people must hear it and remember it. ::::::When an idea becomes familiar it becomes far less frightening. ::::::It is at that point that the power of logic, facts, and rhetoric can begin to have an effect.::::::We have been exercising the power of repetition on the minds of the members of Congress, and it is beginning to demonstrate its power.
Downsize DC Conference Call – May 20, 2007
Downsize DC Conference Call – May 20, 2007
Super Urgent need to slay REAL ID Trojan Horse
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: Super urgent REAL ID Trojan horse needs to be slain::::::DISCLAIMER: If you think the claims we make below are exaggerated or unfounded, you are free, as always, to sit this one out. But we hope you will remember our warnings. We won’t say “we told you so” when the things we predict below actually happen, but we do hope you will remember, when the time comes, that we did in fact warn you in advance. ::::::Here’s what’s at stake . . .::::::The immigration controversy, and the legislation it has spawned, has become a Trojan Horse for imposing the REAL ID Act on all Americans, and entangling all of us in a bureaucratic nightmare of apocalyptic proportions.::::::Think for a moment about all the problems there have been with the terrorist watch list. Think about all the innocent Americans who have been placed on this list for no discernible reason, and the trouble people have had getting off this list. Now . . .
The Debate Ambush
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: The Debate Ambush::::::Please plan on tuning in to my Sunday radio show, the Downsize DC Conference Call. I’ll tell you why below. But first, a warning . . .::::::My show sponsored by Gun Owners of America (GOA) and, Inc. But it’s my show. And part of the sponsorship deal is that I get to advertise the show on this Dispatch. But the views expressed by the host, and the topics chosen, are MINE — not necessarily those of GOA or ::::::This week, is one of those weeks where I must make that abundantly clear. Downsize DC is non-partisan — heck, it’s anti-partisan. Yet my topic this week is . . . ::::::* Rudy Guiliani vs. Ron Paul :::* The Establishment vs. Ron Paul::::::In this week’s FoxNews debate, Ron Paul stuck to the facts. Rudy Guiliani did not. Rudy even cheated. ::::::Ron Paul acted with integrity. Rudy Guiliani did not. And even if you witnessed what happened on FoxNews, you haven’t heard the half of it.
Strengthen the Freedom of Information Act! has joined a huge coalition asking the Senate Majority and Minority leaders to pass the OPEN Government Act of 2007 to strengthen the Freedom of Information Act. Here is the letter our coalition sent to the Senate:::::::
Dear Senator Reid and Senator McConnell:::::::We write on behalf of the undersigned group of business, public interest, and historical groups and associations to endorse the OPEN Government Act of 2007 (S. 849), as introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy and Senator John Cornyn. ::::::The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the public’s most significant tool for ensuring integrity and accountability from the federal government. Unfortunately, FOIA’s promise of ensuring an open and accountable government has been seriously undermined by the excessive processing delays that FOIA requesters face across the government. The OPEN Government Act would: ::::::• Close loopholes in FOIA; :::• Help the public get timely responses to FOIA requests; and :::• Improve agency accountability and require better management of FOIA programs.