Monthly Archives: October 2007

Rob your insurance company

Amplify your voice. Forward this message to others.::::::Subject: Rob your health insurance company::::::We can make the health care industry perform like the computer industry, providing ever better quality at ever lower prices. We can . . .

  • Make your health insurance belong to you, not your employer
  • Make insurance premiums increasingly less expensive
  • Eliminate insurance co-pays, fully fund your health insurance deductibles, and make insurance company denials of care almost completely disappear

We can even make affordable health care available to everyone, at all socio-economic levels. Better yet, the amount of money available to fund your health care could grow constantly. You could even be able to leave unspent health care funds to your children as an inheritance. ::::::But that’s not all. Our proposal would also save Medicare from its looming bankruptcy while making our economy vastly more productive!::::::All of these things can be done at once, with one simple change from Congress . . .::::::Congress must make it possible for you to rob your health insurance company.

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Collect Signatures, Go to Jail

Imagine collecting signatures for a petition being a crime. Welcome to Oklahoma!
:::According to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News, Oklahoma has the worst ballot access laws in the country. Groups like the Libertarian Party and the Green Party are trying to change that — right now.
:::But Oklahoma’s most powerful political figures, including state Attorney General Drew Edmondson, are, with Southern segregationist fervor, trying to make things worse for non-incumbent citizen activists.
:::Paul Jacob is a long-time, prominent Term Limits Advocate. Now, he’s under indictment.
:::His crime? Recruiting petitioners to collect signatures for a ballot initiative proposal called TABOR which limits how much the state government budget can grow from year to year.
:::You might think I’m missing something — that I’m understating it? Surely that’s not a crime?
:::Oh, but you haven’t heard the whole story!

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Deliberation vs. Hotlining

Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .::::::Quote of the Day:
:::”Frankly, it is too easy to pass bills. Bills flow through this body like water.”
:::– Sen. Jeff Sessions
:::In our system of government, Senators have longer terms than Representatives. In theory, this gives them freedom to be more far-sighted and more statesmanlike than Representatives, who are constantly seeking re-election. Sometimes, democratic passions cause the House to pass popular but seriously flawed bills, and the framers of the Constitution created the Senate so that cooler heads would prevail. It seemed to work: for generations the Senate was considered the “world’s greatest deliberative body.”
:::But today, the Senate passes most bills unread and without any deliberation. In fact, bills are often rushed through without Senators even knowing about them. Their “consent” to a bill is assumed, and this leads  to bills being passed by “unanimous consent.” It is a process called “hotlining.”

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Join the FISA flood

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Recruit more Downsizers. Forward this message to others.::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”::: – Sam Adams::::::Subject: Join the FISA flood::::::More than 60 organizations are working together to flood Congress with messages and phone calls demanding that our representatives restore America’s 4th Amendment protections. is one of those organizations.

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Free Talk Live at the Downsize DC Conference Call

Free Talk Live at the Downsize DC Conference Call

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