Monthly Archives: December 2007

Ron Paul’s “Honest Money Act”

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Recruit others to pass this bill. Forward this message.::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“There are no hopeless situations; There are only men who have grown hopeless about them.” :::– Clare Boothe Luce::::::Media Announcement: Jim Babka will be on the air with Gary Nolan today. See below the details for information about how you can listen over the Internet. ::::::Subject: Ron Paul’s “Honest Money Act”::::::Imagine living in a world without inflation, recessions, bubbles, booms, or busts, and where your money buys more and more instead of less and less. Congressman Ron Paul’s “Honest Money Act” (HR 2756) could be a big step in that direction. ::::::The “Honest Money Act” (HR 2756) would repeal the legal tender law. If you’re well versed in economics and already know why this would be a good thing, ask your elected representatives to cosponsor HR 2756 here.::::::If you don’t know the significance of repealing the legal tender law an explanation follows . . .

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Answer the Critics

Today’s Downsize DC Conference Call, my one-hour, Sunday radio show, is about the critics of Ron Paul.* 
:::It seems some folks are intent on smearing him.
:::One charge, in particular, is completely disprovable. The critics can be

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