Monthly Archives: February 2010
Working on Sunday Night
Downsize DC President Jim Babka will be guest on “Live and Let Live” on Sunday night, February 28. Read on for details…
Volunteer graphic design help wanted
Downsize DC Foundation and are looking for some volunteer help. Can you do these sorts of graphic work?
Jim Babka, Unplugged – “DC Downsizers Are Heroic”
With all the fantastic – incredible news – in this message, Downsize DC’s President wonders, “Why aren’t we getting more credit, attention, and financial support?” After you see all the victories in this message, you’ll be as curious as Jim.
Bailouts and the Federal Reserve: Ron Paul thinks you may be bailing out Greece, and other countries too
Are we now the United States of Goldman Sachs, Big Banks, Iceland, Dubai, Greece, etc.?
One Subject and the Patriot Act: Don’t be a coward
Congressional leaders want to renew the Patriot Act, quietly, and maybe even secretly, by attaching it to an unrelated bill. Stop them!
Healthcare Reform: Stop Wasting Our Time
Instead of the same old plans, Congress could reform healthcare and help economic recovery at the same time!
What About Verifying Those Signatures?
We have already received a question we expected about Downsize DC Foundation’s decision to participate in, and support an amicus curiae brief in the Doe v Reed case. Since we expect it to come up more than once (it already has) we’re posting the answer here on the blog.
Do you have a right to be anonymous?
We need your help to file another brief with the Supreme Court. This time we want to protect your right to speak and act anonymously.
Deficit: Nothing should be off the table
Entitlements and Defense are the main causes of the federal government’s fiscal mess. Let’s stand up and acknowledge it!
The Federal Reserve: Protect yourself from an unconstitutional money system
Introduce your elected Representatives to their constitutional responsibilities with regard to the U.S. money supply.