Monthly Archives: August 2010
A Bill with No Name
DC Downsizer Shane Killian channels the band, America, singing “A Bill with No Name”…
Plans and Progress: Should we go for 43 small things, or one big thing?
Our thinking about future growth, now that One Sack is done
Asset Forfeiture: Big Government Turns Cops into Robbers
We provide new evidence against the civil asset forfeiture laws. Please use this evidence to persuade Congress to repeal these immoral and unconstitutional laws.
More Evidence That Congress Is Broken
How can they be trusted to pass laws regulating you, when they can’t even regulate themselves?
Bills Passed in Congress, August 2010
The following are the bills the House and Senate passed in August.
HEALTHCARE: A healthcare bureaucrat makes tyrannical statements
Plus, how the healthcare bill has already caused me to lose my doctor
MEDIA ALERT: Jim Babka Interviewed on WMRB Radio TODAY
Downsize DC President Jim Babka will be on WMRB’s “Get In The Game” with John Zwengel today at 5:20 EASTERN:
Food Safety: Partial Victory! The Senate grants some of your requests
Thanks to you, S.510 is a much better bill!
Facebook Censors Marijuana Legalization
Take action to say you want a free and open Facebook!
Reform: Repeal All the Campaign Finance Laws
If you want to be able to fire your elected representatives, then you’ll need to get the incumbent protecting campaign finance laws repealed. It’s time to start asking for what we want.