Monthly Archives: December 2012

Last Chance to Deny the Taxman

Is it better to give the money to Downsize DC or Uncle Sam?

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Deny the Taxman

Use it or lose it.

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The ConGrinch that Stole Christmas

Peace on Earth? Congress is already plotting more war activities, like invading your privacy.

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Quotations from our new NDAA brief

Our attorneys have proved “the government” wrong on a number of fronts.

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Our 2012 Annual Report is available online

See what we accomplished.

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URGENT: Are they spying on you?

Will the warrantless wiretapping law expire?

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Here’s the brief

Download a PDF of the brief you funded.

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Quotes from Amicus Brief You Funded

Our attorneys give the campaign finance laws a black eye

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Has the time come to Secede from the Union?’s President Jim Babka on the State, our rights, and many other things…

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Do You Want War with Syria?

Do you really think the Syrians will thank us?

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