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January 8, 2008

60 radio ads now running in Michigan

Recruit more Downsizers. Forward this message to others.

Quote of the Day:

“War is the art of conquering at home.”
— Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man

Subject: 60 radio ads now running in Michigan

We proposed it. You funded it. We did it. 60 radio ads promoting Ron Paul’s “American Freedom Agenda Act” are now running in the Detroit, Michigan area.

There’s something special about these ads. It isn’t only that the ads promote a bill that would . . .

  • Stop our government from torturing suspects
  • End rendition, which is government agents kidnapping people and sending them to foreign dictators to be tortured
  • Restore habeas corpus, allowing people to once again challenge their detention in a court of law
  • Repeal warrantless wiretapping
    Prevent the government from punishing Whistleblowers

  • Cripple the use of Signing Statements, by which the President refuses to execute the laws of the land

These ads are also special because . . .

They’re in Arabic!

No, it isn’t our purpose to promote multi-lingualism. Rather, it’s our purpose to show those who fled foreign dictators (tyrants supported by the U.S. government) that there are still Americans, like Representatives Paul and Kucinich and Welch, who believe in freedom and the rule of law for all people.

Many who are hearing these ads are American citizens, who speak both English and Arabic. Many more are the mothers and fathers of children who are English speaking citizens. We want to let them know that America really is a refuge of freedom, or can be again, if we will all join together to fight for it.

The ads are running on WNZK 690 AM, Southfield (Detroit), Michigan, Monday through Friday between 12 PM and 5 PM. The first spot aired Friday during the 4-5 PM hour. The last spot will air January 16.

These ads are recruiting new supporters. But more can be done if you want it done. We’d love to broadcast more of these ads, in English. Provide the funding, and we’ll do it.

We’ve found it necessary, because of government violations of the First Amendment, to establish an entirely separate contribution structure for these ads, complete with new accounts and new systems. If you want to contribute to run these ads you can do so, using that new account, here.

On top of that, we might need to be financially prepared for a government legal challenge against our First Amendment rights after the ads have aired — a challenge to see that we dotted every “i” and crossed every “t.”

Everyone who contributes to this project will receive a copy of our 16-page, glossy report, “The Downsize DC Vision.”

In addition, those who contribute $76 or more, specifically to air these ads, will have their name listed in the left hand, green strip on the Radio Ad page for our campaign to “Support Ron Paul’s American Freedom Agenda Act.” Donors will be listed in rank order, with the largest donor getting the first line — the slot we call the “John Hancock line.”

But if we don’t raise sufficient funds, we’ll use the money for other projects. There’s no shortage of opportunities right now. On the other hand, if contributions flood in, we’ll expand and broadcast ads in other cities. So your contribution is urgent. Please give all that you can.

Even if you’re mailing a check, please use the contribution form. Checks that arrive without this form will be deposited in our general fund. NO EXCEPTIONS. So if you’re going to mail a check please print out the form, fill it in completely, and make the check to, Inc. Write “radio ads” in the memo section. The mailing address is listed on the bottom of that form.

And whether you can send money or not, please send a message to your representatives in Congress, urging them to co-sponsor HR 3835, the American Freedom Agenda Act.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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