The brief, a project of the Downsize DC Foundation, deals with the unconstitutional nature of the electioneering communications provisions in the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. We explained the need for this brief in greater detail earlier this month.
We’ve attached the finished brief to this blog post (see “attachment” below) in the hopes that many will read it. It’s in pdf format. was also a signatory. The brief was also sponsored and/or signed by these groups: Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, Gun Owners of America Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Free Speech Coalition, Inc., Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Inc., Lincoln Institute, and Public Advocate of the United States.
For those who donated in expectation of receiving their own Supreme Court-standard copy, we just received our copies and they will be in the mail to you before the week is out. Thanks for your support.
Additional notes . . .
James Bopp of Wisconsin Right to Life (the hero and plaintiff of this case) issued a press release noting briefs from the following groups as well.
Single party amicus briefs:
* American Civil Liberties Union
* AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce of the United States
* National Association of Realtors,
* National Rifle Association,
* Alliance for Justice,
* Republican National Committee
* U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell.
Other groups joined together on amicus briefs
:* The Stanford Constitutional Law Center on behalf of the Family Research Council, the Home School Legal Defense Association, and the Free Market Foundation.
* The American Center for Law and Justice and Focus on the Family.
* Center for Competitive Politics, the Institute for Justice, Reason Foundation, the Individual Rights Foundation, and the Cato Institute.
* Coalition of Public Charities, a coalition of 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporations, including OMB Watch, Independent Sector, Alliance for Healthy Homes, American Conservation Union Foundation, Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest, Independence Institute, NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation, National Council of Jewish Women, National Council of Nonprofit Associations, National Legal and Policy Center, National Low Income Housing Coalition, Violence Policy Center, California Association of Nonprofits, Nonprofit Coordination Committee of New York, N.C. Center for Nonprofits and Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania.