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May 2, 2007


Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .

Subject: Will you be the snowflake that starts an avalanche?

Quote of the Day:

“No snowflake in an avalanche feels itself responsible.”
— C.P. Snow

“Read the Bills Act” makes the grade

It’s possible the Republican presidential candidates will be asked about the “Read the Bills Act” in tomorrow night’s nationally televised debate.

Your votes moved the RTBA question from page 7 to page 1.

Jim Forsythe, who posted the question, received an email from saying his question may be asked.

Of course, it’s a question they may be too afraid to ask. It’s a very anti-establishment question. Still, let’s try to put them on the spot. Let’s try to move the RTBA question to number one.

If you haven’t gone to the Politico website to cast a vote for the “Read the Bills” question, please do so today. The question is on the front page, so it won’t be hard to find. Just click on the button under the question to cast your vote.

Do NOT vote again if you’ve voted already.

You can cast your vote HERE.

Remember, you could be the snowflake that starts an avalanche.

7 days left for comments on the REAL ID Act

If you did not post a comment to the Department of Homeland Security yesterday, opposing implementation of the REAL ID Act, please do so today. You can do so HERE.

Remember, you could be the snowflake that starts an avalanche.

Get the media to cover the REAL ID Revolt

1,698 messages have been sent asking Keith Olbermann, Neil Cavuto, and Wolf Blitzer to cover the nationwide revolt against the REAL ID Act. If we can get the media to start covering this issue it will increase our chances to repeal REAL ID in Congress. If you haven’t yet sent a message to the media, please do so today.

You can do so HERE.

Remember, you could be the snowflake that starts an avalanche.

The One Subject at a Time Act

We still need another $500 in monthly pledges in order to launch the “One Subject at a Time Act.” If you would like to make this happen by starting a monthly pledge of $3 or more, you can do so HERE.

Remember, you could be the snowflake that starts an avalanche.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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