NET NEUTRALITY: Who needs Republicans if they act like Democrats? Retweet
Net Neutrality is anti-consumer, cronyism!
So, of course, many Republicans want to restore it!
This is dangerous now that the Democrats control the House.
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka, President
Downsize DC
Bullshit. Net neutrality is pro-consumer and anti-cronyism.
That’s a compelling argument.
It’s my understanding that net neutrality means a free and open internet, as it’s always been. Why are you against it?
Politicians are con artists. They always tell us their controls will make things free and easy. They are always lying. The internet is free and easy now. Speeds are increasing. Relative cost is declining. There are more options. The big companies don’t like this. That’s why all of them favor so-called Net Neutrality. It will allow bureaucrats to control the internet, and then the big companies will control the bureaucrats. They will use regulation to crush small providers. This is how The System works! Educate yourself about a subject called regulatory capture. Things are never the way the political class, which includes the media, tells you.