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November 21, 2006

Before you eat

Here is today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .

We know you’re all getting ready for Thanksgiving face stuffing, but . . .

Before you eat you may want to consider what may happen to the vitamins you may take with your Thanksgiving meal, if S. 3546 is passed into law.

Let’s say you feel really sick after eating, so you go to the ER. If S. 3546 becomes law the fine people at the ER may grill you about the supplements you took with your meal. Then, the manufacturers of those supplements will have to file an “adverse incident report” with the FDA, even if the reason you went to the ER had nothing to do with your supplements.

How will all of this work exactly? Who knows.

Will you have to carry a list of your vitamins and the companies that made them with you when you go to the ER, or will you have to call the hospital later, after you return home, to give them this information? Or will someone from the FDA call you to get the information? Who knows.

These are all details and S. 3546 is short on details. The detailed rules and procedures will probably be written by the FDA later. but remember, the devil is in those details.

This is why we crafted our “Write the Laws” legislation, to keep Congress from leaving the devilish details to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.

Why do we need S. 3546 and all the devilish details that will follow in its wake? Who knows. Congress may want to protect you from bad supplements, but the result will be to strangle you in red tape. Or maybe the big drug companies want to protect themselves from the stiff competition their products receive from nutritional supplements? Or maybe both explanations apply.

Congress moves in mysterious ways, but if we had to guess we would say that S. 3546 was written by some lobbyist to serve some corporate interest, and not your interest.

Know this, S. 3546 will make nutritional supplements more expensive, and may pave the way for making them harder to get. The time to stop this from happening is now. So even though you’re distracted by the upcoming Holiday please take a moment now to ask Congress to oppose S. 3546. You can do so now by clicking HERE.

And then, CLICK HERE to make a contribution toward our November budget. We’ve very close to our monthly goal. To make it easier and easier to reach our goal each month, please consider starting a monthly credit card pledge. You can do so by CLICKING HERE.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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