Quote of the Day: “The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” — Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
Subject: Budget Porn
The federal government has been doing so well at so many things, such as protecting people from scam artists like Bernie Madoff, that President Obama thinks it can now take responsibility for all areas of human life. The President’s new budget will . . .
- Expand federal control of your health care
- Expand federal control of your energy supply through “cap and trade”
- Help distressed home owners
- Monitor every morsel of food produced in America, as it moves from the ground to your kitchen
- Involve the federal government in “charity” through a national system of “public service” that may become mandatory for young people
- Expand federal involvement in education through a system of universal pre-kindergarten
Health care, energy, housing, food, charity, education — that’s EVERYTHING!
It gets worse.
The President brags about making the budget more honest, but his budget is deeply deceptive . . .
- He’s concocted rosy scenarios for economic growth to make it seem like his expansion of the national debt over the next 10 years will only be a whopping $7 trillion.
- But the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), using more conservative estimates, calculates that it will really be $9.3 trillion.
Both numbers are far too high, and the real number is likely to be even larger. Does anyone really think the politicians will be satisfied with the thrill they get from just one year of budget-porn? Of course not. Like all good junkies they’ll want more and more and more.
But the fix they want today is already an overdose.
Will you bow to this massive expansion of government power by remaining silent, or will you withdraw your consent?
The politicians expect you to be a compliant sucker. Disappoint them. The budget vote will happen this week. ACT NOW!
Use your personal comments to tell them to vote NO on any budget authorizing federalized health care, the “cap and trade” boondoggle, the food tracking boondoggle, the “public service” boondoggle, and universal pre-kindergarten. Tell them to also oppose the 50-vote reconciliation procedure.
Ask your friends to do the same.
Thanks for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
PS: We’re currently working to fix some technical problems on our website. In the meantime, if you have trouble, try this . . .
- Log-in using the log-in button near the upper right hand corner of our home page
- Then go to our cut spending campaign to send your message to Congress http://www.downsizedc.org/etp/campaigns/104