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May 20, 2013

Consent Chronicle: Are Congresscritters Illiterate?

The new Consent Chronicle replaces the Downsizer-Dispatch. The new name reflects the strategy and spirit of both and the Zero Aggression Project, because…

Even the most coercive power requires consent to survive. We must deny our consent when The State acts immorally.

Today’s e-magazine includes…

  • Will anyone in Congress read the immigration bill?
  • Why you should send letters, even if your Rep is NOT reading them.
  • A tip to make you more persuasive.


Will any member of Congress even read it the 844 page immigration bill?’s Read the Bills Act requires 50% plus one of the members, to sit and listen to a word for word, start to finish, reading of any bill before the final vote for passage. Why?

Because the mind will procure what the hiney will endure. If members of Congress have to sit and listen to the bills they pass, you can be assured the bills will get shorter and become fewer. We might even manage to Downsize DC!

You can use the Educate the Powerful SystemSM to send a letter insisting that your Representative and Senators introduce’s Read the Bills Act. Get more information and a sample letter about the 844 page immigration bill at our blog.

Remember, share this blog post with your friends!


Do you feel like members of Congress don’t even read the letters you send? Hear Jim give Mark Edge, of Free Talk Live, six reasons you should write to Congress, even when they don’t read what you send them. Listen now.


Our Lexicon: Legalized Counterfeiting

by Perry Willis

What words should you use when each time you talk about the Federal Reserve? Get the details in this lexicon entry.

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