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April 6, 2011

Do You Favor Constitutional Budgeting?

Quote of the Day: “In the long run, men hit only what they aim at.” — Henry David Thoreau

Another budget vote is due at any moment, so I sent the following letter to Congress using’s “Cut Spending” campaign:

Please show me that you are serious about your Constitutional oath of office. You can do this by voting NO on any budget with a deficit.

I well understand that such a budget would still contain spending for hosts of federal programs that are unconstitutional. But I am willing to accept a balanced budget as a compromise position.

Please notice that this is very different from standard Congressional thinking . . .

You politicians think of minor budget cuts, or cuts in the rate that government grows, as compromise positions. I do not. I consider such positions irresponsible, and even criminal.

You may think that you need to go along to get along, but that’s NOT the way to get along with me. Here’s how you get along with me . . .

I want you to remove your sanction for irresponsible spending as a first down payment in the direction of honoring your Constitutional oath of office.

I want to see you vote NO on every budget proposal that isn’t balanced, as a prelude to voting NO on every spending bill that isn’t Constitutional.

I withdraw my consent to be governed by deficit budgets and unconstitutional spending.

Quit playing politics. Honor your oath of office.

I am monitoring what you do.


I want to make the following strategic and tactical points . . .

The best way to get what you want is to ask for it.

* Do you favor a balanced budget?
* Do you favor a Constitutional budget?

If so, then you need to ask for it, and keep asking for it until you get it.

Doing this will make it more likely that Congress will compromise in your direction, rather than away from your position.

Do you think sending letters to Congress is pointless? Remember, the positions taken in your letters . . .

* are counted and reported up the chain of command, so that
* at least some of what you write is being read by an office staffer, plus
* some specific letters are also given to higher-ups as representative examples . . .

. . . maybe even YOUR letter.

But, if you don’t send letters . . .

* Your position won’t be counted,
* Your arguments WON’T be seen by a Congressional staffer,
* And they WON’T have ANY chance of being read by those higher up.

Finally, this is SO EASY TO DO that it’s almost A SIN NOT TO DO IT. It only takes a few mouse clicks and keyboard strokes. That’s so easy you really should be doing it ROUTINELY.

You can send your letter to Congress using’s Educate the Powerful System.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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