Media Alert: Jim Babka is scheduled to appear on Straight Talk w/ Jerry Hughes at 3:06 PM Eastern. Details are available at the blog.
Quote of the Day: “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” — Cornelius Tacitus (55-117 A.D.) Source: The Histories
Subject: Does being a DC Downsizer really matter?
I hear it all the time: “Sending messages to Congress won’t work.” My first reaction is, “compared to what?”
In truth, “public pressure” has a fine track record . . .
- How did segregation end? It ended because of public pressure.
- Why did the Soviet Union collapse? In the end, it was because of public pressure.
- Why did China move toward a free market economy? It was because of public pressure.
More to the point, Congress has voted the way we wanted 17 times since was founded. Being a DC Downsizer really does matter. We’ve updated our list of legislative victories and posted it on our blog.
Pressure works. What doesn’t work is apathy. More importantly, public pressure will work even better once we have a large army to apply large pressure. We continue to make good progress in that direction . . .
- We’ve so-far accumulated $3,537 toward beginning our outreach mailings
- Our goal is to raise $6,000 a month for this purpose, and recruit 20 monthly new pledgers
- We’ve raised $446 so far this month and recruited 7 new pledgers
We’ve finished the first draft for our first recruitment mailing, and hope to share it with you in the next week or two, after our lawyers have reviewed it. We’re getting very close to the opening whistle.
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.