If we the people weren’t paying for it with our tax dollars, it would be funny; or perhaps not, because this wouldn’t even make sense as parody or satire.
We’re referring to this headline from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “FBI is lead agency in sex ed.” According to the story . . .
At Tuesday’s Greater Latrobe school board meeting, [Eugene] Beard and fellow FBI official Lili Leonardi presented details of ‘Taking Care of Business: Building a Healthy You.’ The eight-week initiative — to be taught to district sophomores starting Oct. 16 — is supported by an FBI partnership with federal, state, county and local law enforcement. It entails a curriculum developed and taught by experts concerning sexual issues facing young people.
A part of the “Adopt a School” initiative, the program was developed over the last 18 months and addresses such subjects as drugs and sex, sexual behavioral trends, sexually transmitted diseases and healthy relationships, Beard said.
Beard said experts will visit the high school one day a week throughout the program and present a different form of subject matter during the students’ health classes. Latrobe police will take part in certain classroom lectures during the process, Beard said.
The program, which has been piloted since 2002 in schools throughout the nation, has been employed in 70 districts statewide, Beard said.
We at DownsizeDC.org oppose social engineering programs like this. We believe they exceed Constitutional limits on the federal government. We believe they are unnecessary and counter-productive. We believe health issues are best dealt with individually or locally, and that values and responsiblity are learned at home, not at government schools.
But what’s really wondering is, Why the FBI? How is sex education a law enforcement issue? Even we imagined Big Government was a bit more sensible. We thought federal funding for sex-ed programs trickled down to states, local school districts, social service agencies, and perhaps local community groups. We didn’t imagine that the FBI would be involved. What’s next, sending in the Marines to teach home-ec?