Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .
Today’s action item is simple but important.
We’re going to start making more use of social networking sites like to recruit more people faster, and exert even more pressure on Congress. (Yes, I love the word MORE!)
We’d like to prepare in advance to do this more effectively. That means . . .
We need as many Downsizers registered with as possible. If you’re not registered already, please do so right now by going HERE.
Then please reply to this email letting us know that you’ve done it, or that you were already a Digg member. We’d like to have a rough idea of how many troops we have armed with this tool.
We’ll be giving you advance warning of when we’re going to Digg together, so be ready.
Thank you for your participation and support.
Finally, a brief word about my threat to run for President. It sparked so much fear for the Republic that we came very close to meeting our budget for March. How close? We’re just $162 shy of the mark.
It worked so well that I’m seriously considering how to get myself included in the next election for Pope. Or maybe Miss America. Don’t you think I’d look good in the swimsuit competition?
You can vote NO to these dangers (or even YES) by making a contribution to cover that last $162 we need to raise.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.