Your efforts are working. We may kill the warrantless spying bill. Democrats are developing some backbone. Conservative Republicans are fighting the bill too. Yesterday, we were asked to help a Republican Congressman to increase GOP defections in the House (it’s not who you might think). The bottom line . . .
Things have changed dramatically in the last 24 hours. The spying bill has become something of a hot potato. The House and Senate can’t agree on a final version. It’s possible no vote will be held before adjournment in either the House OR the Senate. That would exceed our expectations. Yesterday AM, things looked bleak for us. We were holding on to some hope we could use a procedure, such as a filibuster, to stop a vote from happening in the Senate. But stopping that vote from happening in both wings of Congress? Amazing!
The post-election landscape will change. We could have divided government. If so, the bill dies. If not, the bill may still die as Republicans prepare for 2008 by distancing themselves from an unpopular President.
It bears repeating, if no vote is held before adjournment the odds that the spying bill dies go up tremendously. And right now, it looks like no vote will be held before Congress leaves for their fall campaign break.
Now we need to make the same thing happens with the tribunal/torture bill.
The dynamic is the same. The bill probably dies if no vote happens before adjournment. And this bill is becoming a hot potato too. You’re helping expose the fraud behind the Warner-McCain compromise. Remember the trick they pulled . . .
The Geneva Conventions Common Article 3 protections are left in place, but only the President decides what those protections mean, and no one can use the Geneva Conventions to protect themselves in the “special” tribunals this bill would create. That really is special. But now, several in Congress are revolting against this trick.
Focus on the tribunal/torture bill today. If you haven’t sent a message on this yet, do so now. If you already have, send another one. We have a real chance for a double victory, but only if we maintain the pressure.
A final point: Downsize DC is transcending the partisan tribalism that has divided-and-conquered what we call the Downsizer Consensus. Most Americans want smaller government, but the partisan tribal war keeps them from getting it. So we’ve stepped outside that rigged and divisive game. We’re joining liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and even populists together to work for our many shared values. The current campaign on these two bills is a perfect example. Please help us continue and expand this effort.
Generous Downsizers have reduced the amount we need to pay our September bills to $2,626. Can you help cover the rest by making a contribution or starting a monthly credit card pledge today? There are only 4 days left to get this done.
Once again, here are the links for today’s action items . . .
Instruct Congress on the torture-detention bill here.
Make a contribution or start a monthly credit card pledge here.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
P.S. Our address is on the online form, but if you prefer, just send your check to, Inc.
1931 15th St.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
If you’ve mailed a check, please hit reply and tell us about it. If you give us the amount, we can count it towards the goal.