Subject: Good numbers
We’ve had good growth this month . . .
* 533 new Downsizers recruited
* 43,026 messages to Congress
* This is our fifth month in a row with more than 40,000 messages to Congress
* Our recruitment pace is ahead of last year by nearly 1,400
* Our pressure on Congress is 150,000 messages more than in 2006
So far, all of this growth is being achieved through word of mouth — from our messages being passed from person to person.
Someday soon our growth will be driven by visibility that we purchase. When more people know about us the growth will start to come in huge chunks.
To get an idea of the quality we will bring to spreading the message when we have the resources to do so, you might want to look at some TV ads our team produced, in the past, for other purposes.
Imagine what will happen when we can produce and broadcast ads likes those for things like the “Read the Bills Act.” Imagine running those ads in a Congressional district, to shame that district’s Representative into endorsing RTBA. Imagine picking off the politicians one-by-one, and turning RTBA (and other proposals) into a national issue through simple, easy, affordable steps.
We aren’t that far from being able to do things like this. Meanwhile, we have to make it through the political campaign season. Today is the last day to help us do that for October. Yesterday Downsizers helped us cover more than $1,000 of the $5,000 in remaining unpaid bills for this month.
35 Downsizers gave yesterday. If 4 times that number gave today we’d make it. In fact, if we had just 50 donations similar to yesterday we could sidestep the worst of the financial constraints facing us in November.
We didn’t quite get all the processing done yet, but we’ll be reporting the names of the donors and new pledgers (who gave us permission to publish their name) in an upcoming Downsizer-Dispatch.
Please help us keep going toward our bright future. You can contribute here.
Tomorrow we’ll start a new month, and be back to work spreading the word and pounding Congress. Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.