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December 22, 2009

Healthcare: Do you consent to this murder-suicide pact?

58 Democrats and 2 independents (Lieberman and Sanders) have voted to close debate on the cancerous health care bill. This clears the way to pass the bill in the Senate, perhaps by Christmas Eve.

Every member of Congress needs to hear your protest, including your House Rep., and all the Republicans too.

Please slam Congress with thousands of letters telling them that this bill does NOT have your consent! You can send your letter using our Educate the Powerful System:

If you have a Democratic Senator, please call them too. Deluge the Senate switchboard! Our system provides their phone numbers when you log-in to send your letter.

Here’s what I wrote in my letter . . .

I’m very angry with the plan to pass Senator Reid’s cancerous healthcare bill by Christmas Eve. I consider this bill a murder-suicide pact forced on the American people by arrogant politicians.

It will be suicide for the Democratic Party, because many of them will now be fired for gross incompetence (just like happened to the Republicans in 2008).

It will by murder for the American people because it will make our healthcare worse, not better. 

This bill does not have my consent, nor that of a large majority of the American people.

I’m especially angry that millions of dollars in tax-funded bribery were used to buy Senator Nelson’s vote:

Anyone who supports this legislation is going to be in for a rude awakening, both on Election Day, and every day between now and then. The day Congress passes this bill is the day I start pressuring you to repeal it. Please save all of us a lot of heartache — KILL THIS BILL! DO IT NOW!


You can send your letter here:

Withdraw your consent!

Perry Willis
Vice President, Inc.

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