Free Talk Live on Sunday? That’s right!
Ian and Mark, hosts of the popular radio show Free Talk Live, are guest-hosting my one-hour show, the Downsize DC Conference Call.
What are they going to talk about? You’ll need to tune in to find out because when Ian and Mark doing their “Free Talk” thing, the listeners choose the topics — YOU can choose the topics — by calling 1-800-259-9231.
And that’s exactly what I’d like for you to do . . . Call them. Light those phones up and make it a great show. Don’t sit on your hands just because I’m not there.
The Downsize DC Conference Call airs at 4:06 PM Eastern (3:06 PM Central, 2:06 PM Mountain, and 1:06 PM Pacific). It’s on a few stations, but the best way to hear the program is by listening online at the Genesis Communications Network website.
The program is sponsored by Gun Owners of America and, Inc. And I know Ian and Mark; they’ll have things to say about both.
Speaking of listening, not everyone can listen live. Well, sometimes I’m slow about it, but we always post an mp3 archive of the show at the blog. I encourage you to check out some past programs.
Jim Babka
Downsize DC Conference Call