Media Alert! Jim Babka will appear on the Liberty Roundtable tomorrow morning. See the blog for details.
Quote of the Day: “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” — Otto von Bismarck, 1st Chancellor of the German Empire (1815-1898)
Subject: Why the rush? What was hidden in the Scam (Stimulus) Bill?
I made my regular appearance on Straight Talk with Jerry Hughes on Friday. He asked me about the scam (stimulus) bill, saying, “What’s the point of fighting? It seems like there’s no way to stop them when they’re determined to ignore us.” Perhaps you’ve had similar doubts.
I pointed Jerry to our recently updated list of victories. Congress doesn’t always ignore us. They’ve voted our way 17 plus times since 2006.
But a more important clue to the fact that Congress cares what YOU think is the way they rushed to pass the scam (stimulus) bill.
THEY WERE AFRAID OF PUBLIC OPINION. They knew that the more the public read the bill the greater the opposition would be. Congress and the President were so scared of what YOU think that they violated numerous promises in their rush to make the scam (stimulus) bill a “done deal.”
* President Obama promised the most open, transparent administration in history. He pledged to not sign bills that hadn’t been posted online for the public to read for at least five days BEFORE the final vote was cast.
* Speaker Nancy Pelosi, just a week ago, promised that the final version of the scam (stimulus) bill would be posted online for at least 48 hours before the vote.
Here’s what they did instead . . .
* The 1,073 page scam bill, with an extra 421 page Explanatory Statement, was delivered, still unfinished, at midnight Thursday.
* The House passed the bill 14 hours and 24 minutes later.
* The Senate did likewise 3 hours and 5 minutes after the House.
We may laugh at Bismarck’s line about legislation and sausage, but Bismarck was a famed practitioner of realpolitick, where the practical concerns of power trump principle. Make no mistake about it . . .
Obama, Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Reid were practicing power politics. They didn’t want you to see the sausage. They knew that the more people saw the sausage the more they would hate it, so they had to move fast.
The Republicans, on the other hand, were suddenly indignant that no one had time to read the bill in advance, even though they spent their 14 years in power doing the same thing. The failure to read the bill was the GOP’s number one talking point in the final 24 hours.
They got that talking point from us! They got it from YOU!
Here are some links so YOU CAN READ THE BILL for yourself . . .
* Text of the Conference Report – Division A
* Text of the Conference Report – Division B
* Joint Explanatory Statement – Division A
* Joint Explanatory Statement – Division B
Scroll through these pdf files and you’ll see that the bill is filled with . . .
* Hand-written copy-editing,
* Insertions scrawled in the margins,
* Typographical deletions of whole paragraphs,
* And a variety of curious hash marks and other annotations.
Congressional leaders were so SCARED of the growing public opposition that they couldn’t even take the time to type the changes into a laptop!
But now, at least, we’ll finally get to learn the ingredients of this particular sausage. Think-tank scholars will read the bits that relate to their expertize and tell us about the toxic ingredients.
As the details ooze out, the President and Congressional Democrats will look very slimy. Their dire warnings about the need for speed to save the economy will ring hollow. They’ll lose credibility, and future legislation will be harder to pass.
We intend to stoke the public’s growing distrust into an inferno, starting today. The action item for today is a “Thank or Spank” message.
Your message will go to both your Representative and your two Senators. Tell them, in front of each other, what you think of their vote — thank or spank them. Remember, these people work for you!
Here’s how I “personalized” my note to my delegation,
“Sherrod Brown was flown into town, at my expense (as a taxpayer), to cast the final and most necessary vote to pass this huge, un-read, boondoggle bill that rips-off both me and my children. That offends me. It’s like being asked to buy the club with which you intend to beat me.
“I also protest Ms. Sutton’s support of this bill and applaud Mr. Voinovich for voting no.
“November 2010 may seem far away, and the Republicans may yet offend me again, as they have in the past, but I’m going to remember that the Republicans were on the right side in this vote, and the Democrats almost entirely in the wrong.” [END of letter]
Please look below my signature to see how your elected representatives voted, and then thank or spank them.
Urge others to do the same by forwarding this Dispatch to others, and by Digging it on our blog.
Thanks for being part of the growing Downsize DC Army,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
Nay AL Sessions, Jefferson [R]
Nay AL Shelby, Richard [R]
Yea AK Begich, Mark [D]
Nay AK Murkowski, Lisa [R]
Nay AZ Kyl, Jon [R]
Nay AZ McCain, John [R]
Yea AR Lincoln, Blanche [D]
Yea AR Pryor, Mark [D]
Yea CA Boxer, Barbara [D]
Yea CA Feinstein, Dianne [D]
Yea CO Bennet, Michael [D]
Yea CO Udall, Mark [D]
Yea CT Dodd, Christopher [D]
Yea CT Lieberman, Joseph [I]
Yea DE Carper, Thomas [D]
Yea DE Kaufman, Edward [D]
Yea FL Nelson, Bill [D]
Nay FL Martinez, Mel [R]
Nay GA Chambliss, Saxby [R]
Nay GA Isakson, John [R]
Yea HI Akaka, Daniel [D]
Yea HI Inouye, Daniel [D]
Nay ID Crapo, Michael [R]
Nay ID Risch, James [R]
Yea IL Burris, Roland [D]
Yea IL Durbin, Richard [D]
Yea IN Bayh, Evan [D]
Nay IN Lugar, Richard [R]
Yea IA Harkin, Thomas [D]
Nay IA Grassley, Charles [R]
Nay KS Brownback, Samuel [R]
Nay KS Roberts, Pat [R]
Nay KY Bunning, Jim [R]
Nay KY McConnell, Mitch [R]
Yea LA Landrieu, Mary [D]
Nay LA Vitter, David [R]
Yea ME Collins, Susan [R]
Yea ME Snowe, Olympia [R]
Yea MD Cardin, Benjamin [D]
Yea MD Mikulski, Barbara [D]
Yea MA Kerry, John [D]
Not Voting MA Kennedy, Edward [D]
Yea MI Levin, Carl [D]
Yea MI Stabenow, Debbie Ann [D]
Yea MN Klobuchar, Amy [D]
Nay MS Cochran, Thad [R]
Nay MS Wicker, Roger [R]
Yea MO McCaskill, Claire [D]
Nay MO Bond, Christopher [R]
Yea MT Baucus, Max [D]
Yea MT Tester, Jon [D]
Yea NE Nelson, Ben [D]
Nay NE Johanns, Mike [R]
Yea NV Reid, Harry [D]
Nay NV Ensign, John [R]
New Hampshire
Yea NH Shaheen, Jeanne [D]
Nay NH Gregg, Judd [R]
New Jersey
Yea NJ Lautenberg, Frank [D]
Yea NJ Menendez, Robert [D]
New Mexico
Yea NM Bingaman, Jeff [D]
Yea NM Udall, Tom [D]
New York
Yea NY Gillibrand, Kirsten [D]
Yea NY Schumer, Charles [D]
North Carolina
Yea NC Hagan, Kay [D]
Nay NC Burr, Richard [R]
North Dakota
Yea ND Conrad, Kent [D]
Yea ND Dorgan, Byron [D]
Yea OH Brown, Sherrod [D]
Nay OH Voinovich, George [R]
Nay OK Coburn, Thomas [R]
Nay OK Inhofe, James [R]
Yea OR Merkley, Jeff [D]
Yea OR Wyden, Ron [D]
Yea PA Casey, Robert [D]
Yea PA Specter, Arlen [R]
Rhode Island
Yea RI Reed, John [D]
Yea RI Whitehouse, Sheldon [D]
South Carolina
Nay SC DeMint, Jim [R]
Nay SC Graham, Lindsey [R]
South Dakota
Yea SD Johnson, Tim [D]
Nay SD Thune, John [R]
Nay TN Alexander, Lamar [R]
Nay TN Corker, Bob [R]
Nay TX Cornyn, John [R]
Nay TX Hutchison, Kay [R]
Nay UT Bennett, Robert [R]
Nay UT Hatch, Orrin [R]
Yea VT Leahy, Patrick [D]
Yea VT Sanders, Bernard [I]
Yea VA Warner, Mark [D]
Yea VA Webb, Jim [D]
Yea WA Cantwell, Maria [D]
Yea WA Murray, Patty [D]
West Virginia
Yea WV Byrd, Robert [D]
Yea WV Rockefeller, John [D]
Yea WI Feingold, Russell [D]
Yea WI Kohl, Herbert [D]
Nay WY Barrasso, John [R]
Nay WY Enzi, Michael [R]
Nay AL-1 Bonner, Jo [R]
Nay AL-2 Bright, Bobby [D]
Nay AL-3 Rogers, Michael [R]
Nay AL-4 Aderholt, Robert [R]
Nay AL-5 Griffith, Parker [D]
Nay AL-6 Bachus, Spencer [R]
Yea AL-7 Davis, Artur [D]
Nay AK-0 Young, Donald [R]
Yea AZ-1 Kirkpatrick, Ann [D]
Nay AZ-2 Franks, Trent [R]
Nay AZ-3 Shadegg, John [R]
Yea AZ-4 Pastor, Edward [D]
Yea AZ-5 Mitchell, Harry [D]
Nay AZ-6 Flake, Jeff [R]
Yea AZ-7 Grijalva, Raul [D]
Yea AZ-8 Giffords, Gabrielle [D]
Yea AR-1 Berry, Robert [D]
Yea AR-2 Snyder, Victor [D]
Nay AR-3 Boozman, John [R]
Yea AR-4 Ross, Mike [D]
Yea CA-1 Thompson, C. [D]
Nay CA-2 Herger, Walter [R]
Nay CA-3 Lungren, Daniel [R]
Nay CA-4 McClintock, Tom [R]
Yea CA-5 Matsui, Doris [D]
Yea CA-6 Woolsey, Lynn [D]
Yea CA-7 Miller, George [D]
Yea CA-8 Pelosi, Nancy [D]
Yea CA-9 Lee, Barbara [D]
Yea CA-10 Tauscher, Ellen [D]
Yea CA-11 McNerney, Jerry [D]
Yea CA-12 Speier, Jackie [D]
Yea CA-13 Stark, Fortney [D]
Yea CA-14 Eshoo, Anna [D]
Yea CA-15 Honda, Michael [D]
Yea CA-16 Lofgren, Zoe [D]
Yea CA-17 Farr, Sam [D]
Yea CA-18 Cardoza, Dennis [D]
Nay CA-19 Radanovich, George [R]
Yea CA-20 Costa, Jim [D]
Nay CA-21 Nunes, Devin [R]
Nay CA-22 McCarthy, Kevin [R]
Yea CA-23 Capps, Lois [D]
Nay CA-24 Gallegly, Elton [R]
Nay CA-25 McKeon, Howard [R]
Nay CA-26 Dreier, David [R]
Yea CA-27 Sherman, Brad [D]
Yea CA-28 Berman, Howard [D]
Yea CA-29 Schiff, Adam [D]
Yea CA-30 Waxman, Henry [D]
Yea CA-31 Becerra, Xavier [D]
Yea CA-32 Solis, Hilda [D]
Yea CA-33 Watson, Diane [D]
Yea CA-34 Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D]
Yea CA-35 Waters, Maxine [D]
Yea CA-36 Harman, Jane [D]
Yea CA-37 Richardson, Laura [D]
Yea CA-38 Napolitano, Grace [D]
Yea CA-39 Sanchez, Linda [D]
Nay CA-40 Royce, Edward [R]
Nay CA-41 Lewis, Jerry [R]
Nay CA-42 Miller, Gary [R]
Yea CA-43 Baca, Joe [D]
Nay CA-44 Calvert, Ken [R]
Nay CA-45 Bono Mack, Mary [R]
Nay CA-46 Rohrabacher, Dana [R]
Yea CA-47 Sanchez, Loretta [D]
Not Voting CA-48 Campbell, John [R]
Nay CA-49 Issa, Darrell [R]
Nay CA-50 Bilbray, Brian [R]
Yea CA-51 Filner, Bob [D]
Nay CA-52 Hunter, Duncan [R]
Yea CA-53 Davis, Susan [D]
Yea CO-1 DeGette, Diana [D]
Yea CO-2 Polis, Jared [D]
Yea CO-3 Salazar, John [D]
Yea CO-4 Markey, Betsy [D]
Nay CO-5 Lamborn, Doug [R]
Nay CO-6 Coffman, Mike [R]
Yea CO-7 Perlmutter, Ed [D]
Yea CT-1 Larson, John [D]
Yea CT-2 Courtney, Joe [D]
Yea CT-3 DeLauro, Rosa [D]
Yea CT-4 Himes, James [D]
Yea CT-5 Murphy, Christopher [D]
Nay DE-0 Castle, Michael [R]
Nay FL-1 Miller, Jeff [R]
Yea FL-2 Boyd, Allen [D]
Yea FL-3 Brown, Corrine [D]
Nay FL-4 Crenshaw, Ander [R]
Nay FL-5 Brown-Waite, Virginia [R]
Nay FL-6 Stearns, Clifford [R]
Nay FL-7 Mica, John [R]
Yea FL-8 Grayson, Alan [D]
Nay FL-9 Bilirakis, Gus [R]
Nay FL-10 Young, C. W. [R]
Yea FL-11 Castor, Kathy [D]
Nay FL-12 Putnam, Adam [R]
Nay FL-13 Buchanan, Vern [R]
Nay FL-14 Mack, Connie [R]
Nay FL-15 Posey, Bill [R]
Nay FL-16 Rooney, Thomas [R]
Yea FL-17 Meek, Kendrick [D]
Nay FL-18 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R]
Yea FL-19 Wexler, Robert [D]
Yea FL-20 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [D]
Nay FL-21 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R]
Yea FL-22 Klein, Ron [D]
Yea FL-23 Hastings, Alcee [D]
Yea FL-24 Kosmas, Suzanne [D]
Nay FL-25 Diaz-Balart, Mario [R]
Nay GA-1 Kingston, Jack [R]
Yea GA-2 Bishop, Sanford [D]
Nay GA-3 Westmoreland, Lynn [R]
Yea GA-4 Johnson, Henry [D]
Yea GA-5 Lewis, John [D]
Nay GA-6 Price, Tom [R]
Nay GA-7 Linder, John [R]
Yea GA-8 Marshall, James [D]
Nay GA-9 Deal, Nathan [R]
Nay GA-10 Broun, Paul [R]
Nay GA-11 Gingrey, John [R]
Yea GA-12 Barrow, John [D]
Yea GA-13 Scott, David [D]
Yea HI-1 Abercrombie, Neil [D]
Yea HI-2 Hirono, Mazie [D]
Nay ID-1 Minnick, Walter [D]
Nay ID-2 Simpson, Michael [R]
Yea IL-1 Rush, Bobby [D]
Yea IL-2 Jackson, Jesse [D]
Present IL-3 Lipinski, Daniel [D]
Yea IL-4 Gutierrez, Luis [D]
Nay IL-6 Roskam, Peter [R]
Yea IL-7 Davis, Danny [D]
Yea IL-8 Bean, Melissa [D]
Yea IL-9 Schakowsky, Janice [D]
Nay IL-10 Kirk, Mark [R]
Yea IL-11 Halvorson, Deborah [D]
Yea IL-12 Costello, Jerry [D]
Nay IL-13 Biggert, Judy [R]
Yea IL-14 Foster, Bill [D]
Nay IL-15 Johnson, Timothy [R]
Nay IL-16 Manzullo, Donald [R]
Yea IL-17 Hare, Phil [D]
Nay IL-18 Schock, Aaron [R]
Nay IL-19 Shimkus, John [R]
Yea IN-1 Visclosky, Peter [D]
Yea IN-2 Donnelly, Joe [D]
Nay IN-3 Souder, Mark [R]
Nay IN-4 Buyer, Stephen [R]
Nay IN-5 Burton, Dan [R]
Nay IN-6 Pence, Mike [R]
Yea IN-7 Carson, André [D]
Yea IN-8 Ellsworth, Brad [D]
Yea IN-9 Hill, Baron [D]
Yea IA-1 Braley, Bruce [D]
Yea IA-2 Loebsack, David [D]
Yea IA-3 Boswell, Leonard [D]
Nay IA-4 Latham, Thomas [R]
Nay IA-5 King, Steve [R]
Nay KS-1 Moran, Jerry [R]
Nay KS-2 Jenkins, Lynn [R]
Yea KS-3 Moore, Dennis [D]
Nay KS-4 Tiahrt, Todd [R]
Nay KY-1 Whitfield, Edward [R]
Nay KY-2 Guthrie, Brett [R]
Yea KY-3 Yarmuth, John [D]
Nay KY-4 Davis, Geoff [R]
Nay KY-5 Rogers, Harold [R]
Yea KY-6 Chandler, Ben [D]
Nay LA-1 Scalise, Steve [R]
Nay LA-2 Cao, Anh [R]
Yea LA-3 Melancon, Charles [D]
Nay LA-4 Fleming, John [R]
Nay LA-5 Alexander, Rodney [R]
Nay LA-6 Cassidy, Bill [R]
Nay LA-7 Boustany, Charles [R]
Yea ME-1 Pingree, Chellie [D]
Yea ME-2 Michaud, Michael [D]
Yea MD-1 Kratovil, Frank [D]
Yea MD-2 Ruppersberger, C.A. [D]
Yea MD-3 Sarbanes, John [D]
Yea MD-4 Edwards, Donna [D]
Yea MD-5 Hoyer, Steny [D]
Nay MD-6 Bartlett, Roscoe [R]
Yea MD-7 Cummings, Elijah [D]
Yea MD-8 Van Hollen, Christopher [D]
Yea MA-1 Olver, John [D]
Yea MA-2 Neal, Richard [D]
Yea MA-3 McGovern, James [D]
Yea MA-4 Frank, Barney [D]
Yea MA-5 Tsongas, Niki [D]
Yea MA-6 Tierney, John [D]
Yea MA-7 Markey, Edward [D]
Yea MA-8 Capuano, Michael [D]
Yea MA-9 Lynch, Stephen [D]
Yea MA-10 Delahunt, William [D]
Yea MI-1 Stupak, Bart [D]
Nay MI-2 Hoekstra, Peter [R]
Nay MI-3 Ehlers, Vernon [R]
Nay MI-4 Camp, David [R]
Yea MI-5 Kildee, Dale [D]
Nay MI-6 Upton, Frederick [R]
Yea MI-7 Schauer, Mark [D]
Nay MI-8 Rogers, Michael [R]
Yea MI-9 Peters, Gary [D]
Nay MI-10 Miller, Candice [R]
Nay MI-11 McCotter, Thaddeus [R]
Yea MI-12 Levin, Sander [D]
Yea MI-13 Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D]
Yea MI-14 Conyers, John [D]
Yea MI-15 Dingell, John [D]
Yea MN-1 Walz, Timothy [D]
Nay MN-2 Kline, John [R]
Nay MN-3 Paulsen, Erik [R]
Yea MN-4 McCollum, Betty [D]
Yea MN-5 Ellison, Keith [D]
Nay MN-6 Bachmann, Michele [R]
Nay MN-7 Peterson, Collin [D]
Yea MN-8 Oberstar, James [D]
Yea MS-1 Childers, Travis [D]
Yea MS-2 Thompson, Bennie [D]
Nay MS-3 Harper, Gregg [R]
Nay MS-4 Taylor, Gene [D]
Yea MO-1 Clay, William [D]
Nay MO-2 Akin, W. [R]
Yea MO-3 Carnahan, Russ [D]
Yea MO-4 Skelton, Ike [D]
Yea MO-5 Cleaver, Emanuel [D]
Nay MO-6 Graves, Samuel [R]
Nay MO-7 Blunt, Roy [R]
Nay MO-8 Emerson, Jo Ann [R]
Nay MO-9 Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R]
Nay MT-0 Rehberg, Dennis [R]
Nay NE-1 Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R]
Nay NE-2 Terry, Lee [R]
Nay NE-3 Smith, Adrian [R]
Yea NV-1 Berkley, Shelley [D]
Nay NV-2 Heller, Dean [R]
Yea NV-3 Titus, Dina [D]
New Hampshire
Yea NH-1 Shea-Porter, Carol [D]
Yea NH-2 Hodes, Paul [D]
New Jersey
Yea NJ-1 Andrews, Robert [D]
Nay NJ-2 LoBiondo, Frank [R]
Yea NJ-3 Adler, John [D]
Nay NJ-4 Smith, Christopher [R]
Nay NJ-5 Garrett, Scott [R]
Yea NJ-6 Pallone, Frank [D]
Nay NJ-7 Lance, Leonard [R]
Yea NJ-8 Pascrell, William [D]
Yea NJ-9 Rothman, Steven [D]
Yea NJ-10 Payne, Donald [D]
Nay NJ-11 Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R]
Yea NJ-12 Holt, Rush [D]
Yea NJ-13 Sires, Albio [D]
New Mexico
Yea NM-1 Heinrich, Martin [D]
Yea NM-2 Teague, Harry [D]
Yea NM-3 Lujan, Ben [D]
New York
Yea NY-1 Bishop, Timothy [D]
Yea NY-2 Israel, Steve [D]
Nay NY-3 King, Peter [R]
Yea NY-4 McCarthy, Carolyn [D]
Yea NY-5 Ackerman, Gary [D]
Yea NY-6 Meeks, Gregory [D]
Yea NY-7 Crowley, Joseph [D]
Yea NY-8 Nadler, Jerrold [D]
Yea NY-9 Weiner, Anthony [D]
Yea NY-10 Towns, Edolphus [D]
Yea NY-11 Clarke, Yvette [D]
Yea NY-12 Velazquez, Nydia [D]
Yea NY-13 McMahon, Michael [D]
Yea NY-14 Maloney, Carolyn [D]
Yea NY-15 Rangel, Charles [D]
Yea NY-16 Serrano, José [D]
Yea NY-17 Engel, Eliot [D]
Yea NY-18 Lowey, Nita [D]
Yea NY-19 Hall, John [D]
Yea NY-21 Tonko, Paul [D]
Yea NY-22 Hinchey, Maurice [D]
Nay NY-23 McHugh, John [R]
Yea NY-24 Arcuri, Michael [D]
Yea NY-25 Maffei, Daniel [D]
Not Voting NY-26 Lee, Christopher [R]
Yea NY-27 Higgins, Brian [D]
Yea NY-28 Slaughter, Louise [D]
Yea NY-29 Massa, Eric [D]
North Carolina
Yea NC-1 Butterfield, George [D]
Yea NC-2 Etheridge, Bob [D]
Nay NC-3 Jones, Walter [R]
Yea NC-4 Price, David [D]
Nay NC-5 Foxx, Virginia [R]
Nay NC-6 Coble, Howard [R]
Yea NC-7 McIntyre, Mike [D]
Yea NC-8 Kissell, Larry [D]
Nay NC-9 Myrick, Sue [R]
Nay NC-10 Mchenry, Patrick [R]
Nay NC-11 Shuler, Heath [D]
Yea NC-12 Watt, Melvin [D]
Yea NC-13 Miller, R. [D]
North Dakota
Yea ND-0 Pomeroy, Earl [D]
Yea OH-1 Driehaus, Steve [D]
Nay OH-2 Schmidt, Jean [R]
Nay OH-3 Turner, Michael [R]
Nay OH-4 Jordan, Jim [R]
Nay OH-5 Latta, Robert [R]
Yea OH-6 Wilson, Charles [D]
Nay OH-7 Austria, Steve [R]
Nay OH-8 Boehner, John [R]
Yea OH-9 Kaptur, Marcy [D]
Yea OH-10 Kucinich, Dennis [D]
Yea OH-11 Fudge, Marcia [D]
Nay OH-12 Tiberi, Patrick [R]
Yea OH-13 Sutton, Betty [D]
Nay OH-14 LaTourette, Steven [R]
Yea OH-15 Kilroy, Mary Jo [D]
Yea OH-16 Boccieri, John [D]
Yea OH-17 Ryan, Timothy [D]
Yea OH-18 Space, Zachary [D]
Nay OK-1 Sullivan, John [R]
Yea OK-2 Boren, Dan [D]
Nay OK-3 Lucas, Frank [R]
Nay OK-4 Cole, Tom [R]
Nay OK-5 Fallin, Mary [R]
Yea OR-1 Wu, David [D]
Nay OR-2 Walden, Greg [R]
Yea OR-3 Blumenauer, Earl [D]
Nay OR-4 DeFazio, Peter [D]
Yea OR-5 Schrader, Kurt [D]
Yea PA-1 Brady, Robert [D]
Yea PA-2 Fattah, Chaka [D]
Yea PA-3 Dahlkemper, Kathleen [D]
Yea PA-4 Altmire, Jason [D]
Nay PA-5 Thompson, Glenn [R]
Nay PA-6 Gerlach, Jim [R]
Yea PA-7 Sestak, Joe [D]
Yea PA-8 Murphy, Patrick [D]
Nay PA-9 Shuster, William [R]
Yea PA-10 Carney, Christopher [D]
Yea PA-11 Kanjorski, Paul [D]
Yea PA-12 Murtha, John [D]
Yea PA-13 Schwartz, Allyson [D]
Yea PA-14 Doyle, Michael [D]
Nay PA-15 Dent, Charles [R]
Nay PA-16 Pitts, Joseph [R]
Yea PA-17 Holden, Tim [D]
Nay PA-18 Murphy, Tim [R]
Nay PA-19 Platts, Todd [R]
Rhode Island
Yea RI-1 Kennedy, Patrick [D]
Yea RI-2 Langevin, James [D]
South Carolina
Nay SC-1 Brown, Henry [R]
Nay SC-2 Wilson, Addison [R]
Nay SC-3 Barrett, James [R]
Nay SC-4 Inglis, Bob [R]
Yea SC-5 Spratt, John [D]
Not Voting SC-6 Clyburn, James [D]
South Dakota
Yea SD-0 Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [D]
Nay TN-1 Roe, David [R]
Nay TN-2 Duncan, John [R]
Nay TN-3 Wamp, Zach [R]
Yea TN-4 Davis, Lincoln [D]
Yea TN-5 Cooper, Jim [D]
Yea TN-6 Gordon, Barton [D]
Nay TN-7 Blackburn, Marsha [R]
Yea TN-8 Tanner, John [D]
Yea TN-9 Cohen, Steve [D]
Nay TX-1 Gohmert, Louis [R]
Nay TX-2 Poe, Ted [R]
Nay TX-3 Johnson, Samuel [R]
Nay TX-4 Hall, Ralph [R]
Nay TX-5 Hensarling, Jeb [R]
Nay TX-6 Barton, Joe [R]
Nay TX-7 Culberson, John [R]
Nay TX-8 Brady, Kevin [R]
Yea TX-9 Green, Al [D]
Nay TX-10 McCaul, Michael [R]
Nay TX-11 Conaway, K. [R]
Nay TX-12 Granger, Kay [R]
Nay TX-13 Thornberry, William [R]
Nay TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]
Yea TX-15 Hinojosa, Rubén [D]
Yea TX-16 Reyes, Silvestre [D]
Yea TX-17 Edwards, Thomas [D]
Yea TX-18 Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D]
Nay TX-19 Neugebauer, Randy [R]
Yea TX-20 Gonzalez, Charles [D]
Nay TX-21 Smith, Lamar [R]
Nay TX-22 Olson, Pete [R]
Yea TX-23 Rodriguez, Ciro [D]
Nay TX-24 Marchant, Kenny [R]
Yea TX-25 Doggett, Lloyd [D]
Nay TX-26 Burgess, Michael [R]
Yea TX-27 Ortiz, Solomon [D]
Yea TX-28 Cuellar, Henry [D]
Yea TX-29 Green, Raymond [D]
Yea TX-30 Johnson, Eddie [D]
Nay TX-31 Carter, John [R]
Nay TX-32 Sessions, Peter [R]
Nay UT-1 Bishop, Rob [R]
Yea UT-2 Matheson, Jim [D]
Nay UT-3 Chaffetz, Jason [R]
Yea VT-0 Welch, Peter [D]
Nay VA-1 Wittman, Rob [R]
Yea VA-2 Nye, Glenn [D]
Yea VA-3 Scott, Robert [D]
Nay VA-4 Forbes, James [R]
Yea VA-5 Perriello, Thomas [D]
Nay VA-6 Goodlatte, Robert [R]
Nay VA-7 Cantor, Eric [R]
Yea VA-8 Moran, James [D]
Yea VA-9 Boucher, Frederick [D]
Nay VA-10 Wolf, Frank [R]
Yea VA-11 Connolly, Gerald [D]
Yea WA-1 Inslee, Jay [D]
Yea WA-2 Larsen, Rick [D]
Yea WA-3 Baird, Brian [D]
Nay WA-4 Hastings, Doc [R]
Nay WA-5 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R]
Yea WA-6 Dicks, Norman [D]
Yea WA-7 McDermott, James [D]
Nay WA-8 Reichert, Dave [R]
Yea WA-9 Smith, Adam [D]
West Virginia
Yea WV-1 Mollohan, Alan [D]
Nay WV-2 Capito, Shelley [R]
Yea WV-3 Rahall, Nick [D]
Nay WI-1 Ryan, Paul [R]
Yea WI-2 Baldwin, Tammy [D]
Yea WI-3 Kind, Ronald [D]
Yea WI-4 Moore, Gwen [D]
Nay WI-5 Sensenbrenner, F. [R]
Nay WI-6 Petri, Thomas [R]
Yea WI-7 Obey, David [D]
Yea WI-8 Kagen, Steve [D]
Nay WY-0 Lummis, Cynthia [R]