Dear libertarian, to get what you want, you need more people pushing for what you want. I have good news for you. The Downsize DC Army is growing thanks to new tactics, and our new Engage software. Let me tell you about it…
We’ve been testing Facebook advertising because compared to everything else we’d ever seen or used…
- The cost per result is lower
- The required minimum investment is the tiniest
- Results are more immediate and you can, as a result, terminate or increase your investment in real time
This approach is working. We’ve recruited 275 new subscribers since October 30, with minimal investment.
Our new technique is called Flash Actions — super-brief actions posted on Facebook while the policy or news is HOT. This electric tactic is only possible thanks to our new Engage program.
Each Flash Action is like a recruiting station for the Downsize DC Army.
The Downsizer-Dispatch is how we’ll coordinate the army and focus our resources on strategic objectives. We’ll use it to…
- Get all our Downsize DC Agenda bills reintroduced, including the Read the Bills Act
- Explode way past our current sponsorship level for the One Subject at a Time Act
But we’ll need to vastly expand beyond testing. We need a bigger army to do those things.
If you’re following us on Facebook then you’ll see our Flash Actions in real-time. But the rest of you won’t see all of these Actions here in the Dispatch, nor as fast as our Facebook followers do. Why? Because Flash Actions are aimed at short-term, time-sensitive policy battles while the Dispatch will aim at major, long-term objectives.
I’ll share our most recent Flash Actions with you in a moment. But if you want to see them as they “flash,” please follow us on Facebook.
One such long-term objective is increased funding for expanding the Downsize DC Army. We lack the funds to fully “capitalize” when it appears that a particular Flash Action is bringing in lots of new supporters. I’ll be “hitting the road” in January to change that by meeting with major donors. You could help make my trip a bigger success by enabling me to report growing levels of support from smaller donors.
So what can we expect to accomplish? Monthly, credit card pledges are the biggest help. You’ll be amazed how simple this is…
We have 29,902 subscribers, about 6,500 of which have opened one or more of the last five messages. Thanks to one generous donor, our budget is covered for the first quarter. Therefore, if we can average, $2 per person who is reading these Dispatches, in the form of a monthly pledge, then we think our advertising could bring in 6,500 new subscribers each month!
And we think that would give us enough momentum to accumulate co-sponsors for the One Subject at a Time Act, which is step one on the path to forcing a vote.
Is $2 a month really a lot to ask?
Thank you to all our existing donors and monthly pledgers. But if you haven’t given yet in 2017, we hope you’ll join us before the year runs out.
Jim Babka, President, Inc.
P.S. We know some of you hate Facebook. That’s okay. We’re only _starting_ there for the three reasons explained above. We’ll add other old-fashioned, more expensive forms of advertising as you help us grow.
Whatever happened to your mission to force congress limit any bill to one issue? It seems to me that with respect to each of the following, there are more than one issue relative to the subject. The notion that all issues should be addressed comprehensive legislation is a false paradigm.
social security
health care
women’s issues
Congressmen then sneak in amendments to the bill to get another, often unrelated, issue into a bill.
An amendment is only valid if it is directly addressed
something expressed in the basic part of the legislation.
It’s called the One Subject at a Time Act, and it’s just been reintroduced. We’re about to put another push behind it to get more co-sponsors. Working that project now. Stay tuned.