Punitive malpractice damages reward lawyers, harm patients. Tell Congress Fix It! Retweet
By Perry Willis & Jim Babka
We’re launching another new campaign, our latest healthcare reform proposal. The hardwired message for this new campaign reads…
Reduce healthcare costs by ending punitive malpractice damages
You can copy or edit this sample text for your personal letter {link expired} to Congress…
Punitive damages increase the malpractice premiums doctors pay. We Americans have lost thousands of doctors because of these high costs.(1)
Fewer doctors means higher prices for both medical care and health insurance — longer wait times too.
A judgment of malpractice is punishment enough. The doctor has to pay for the harm done to the patient. The judgment goes on a doctor’s record. It could end his or her career or reduce the number of patients he or she has. There’s no reason to pile on punitive damages.
Punitive damages do nothing to reduce malpractice. Quite the contrary — they encourage doctors to order unnecessary tests. Limiting judgments to actual damages will…
* Decrease the cost of malpractice insurance
* Increase the supply of doctors
* Reduce the number of unnecessary procedures
Those three changes mean Americans will enjoy reduced…
* Healthcare costs
* Insurance premiums
Most people understand this, but reform has been impossible because trial lawyers have too much influence in Washington. I want you to represent me, NOT the legal cartel. (2)
(1) http://money.cnn.com/2009/09/14/news/economy/health_care_doctors_quitting/index.htm
(2) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/01/money-from-trial-lawyers-groups-flowing-to-democrats.html
- Send your letter {link expired} to Congress
- Forward this message to friends you think might agree.
- Share this action item on Facebook and other social networking sites
- Please consider making a contribution or starting a monthly pledge to further our work. We need to raise almost $3,500 and recruit 18 more new monthly pledgers by June 30th. Please help fuel our progress.
Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Downsize DC
PS: We’re using the old Educate the Powerful system for a bit longer. We’re focused on the new website which is being tested now! So if one of your Reps or Senators is not up-to-date, please hit Reply and let us know.