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July 13, 2008

Manipulation Into War

In this message, you’ll learn what we’ll be talking about on today’s Downsize DC Conference Call — my two hour radio show, heard live starting at 3:06 PM Eastern (2:06 PM Central, 1:06 PM Mountain, and 12:06 PM Pacific).

Quote of the Day:

“Ridicule is the compliment lively intelligence pays to jackassery.”
– R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

Subject: Can you predict the Administration’s “Iran policy”

We’ve been manipulated into war before.

Is it about to happen again? What do you think?

Personally, I can’t even take the gang in DC seriously anymore. It’d be comical, if the consequences weren’t so serious. But they are.

Here’s a simple taxonomy of Methods to Manipulate a Nation Into War.

1) Provocation – A government boxes their opponents in so that, in desperation, the opponent does something that provides a bloody shirt to wave. Blockcades are an effective tool.

2) War by Proxy – A government allied with another government, is drawn into war by virtue of their alliance, regardless of the behavior evidenced by the ally. So, let’s say, our ally bombs an unfriendly country, and then, we’re “on the hook.” This is, in large part, how America got into World War I.

3) False Flag – A government attacks some part of its own country and blames the enemy. The Reichstag Fire of 1933 was an example of this process. And although it was never carried out, the Lemnitzer memo, better known as Operation Northwoods, is also an example.

4) Wag the Dog — The title of a feature film that describes a phony incident used to distract attention from the truth: Like Orwell’s “1984” — “We were always at war with Oceania.” The Gulf of Tonkin is the ideal example.

Which method of manipulation do you think it will be? Or maybe you think this list is missing a method?

You might even think nothing is going to happen? …or the threat is real and our government must act?

Then let’s dialogue — especially if you think I’m wrong! 1-800-259-9231 or email (just type this out as it sounds) CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG.

As always, since they are sponsors, we’ll have a Gun Owners of America update.

Plus, I’ll also have an update on the case for First Amendment freedom. And I’ll tell you what is happening next, now that Congress has neutered FISA.



Or you can TUNE IN to one of these stations . . .

* WCER 900-AM Canton, Ohio
* WBCR 1470-AM Maryville/Alcoa, Tennessee
* KLID 1340-AM, Poplar Bluff, Missouri
* KGEZ 600-AM, Kalispell, Montana

And if for some reason you can’t catch the live show, my network, Genesis Communications provides a podcast of the show, available a couple of hours after it goes off air, up through the next broadcast.

Remember, you can participate . . . 

Phone:  1-800-259-9231
NOTE: I present the email address this way to avoid automated spam harvesters. If you just hit “Reply” to this Dispatch it won’t make it to me by show time. Please use the “call” address ONLY.

Happy Listening,

Jim Babka, Host
Downsize DC Conference Call

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Downsize DC Conference Call is Jim Babka’s show, and is just an advertising sponsor. The views expressed on the program and the topics chosen by the host, do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or objectives of the board, staff, and supporters of This message is presented as part of a promotional relationship between and Jim Babka.

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