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May 21, 2008

Nearing the Finish Line

Change the political environment. Recruit more DC Downsizers. Share this message with others.

Quote of the Day:

“We’ve witnessed a fire sale of American liberties at bargain basement prices, in return for the false promise of more security… The America being designed right now won’t resemble the America we’ve been defending… The danger isn’t that Big Brother may storm the castle gates. The danger is that Americans don’t realize that he is already inside the castle walls.”
— Wayne LaPierre

Subject: Two days left to stop warrantless spying

We’ve campaigned against warrantless spying since Summer, 2006. During that time, with various campaigns, we’ve sent 122,526 messages to Congress on this one issue. It’s had an impact — most notably when the House allowed the so-called “Protect America Act” to sunset out of existence.

We have today and tomorrow to secure what may be a final victory.

DC Downsizers have sent roughly 8,000 more messages to Congress in the last five days. If everyone reading this message would write Congress, 60,400 more messages could be sent. Today would be a good day to do so.

If you oppose warrantless spying and immunity for the telecom companies that engaged in illegal surveillance of American citizens, please send Congress a message telling them that.

For those who have already sent messages on this campaign but want to do more to keep up the pressure during these final two days, we suggest the following: Send Congress a message on behalf of Ron Paul’s “American Freedom Agenda Act.”

Remember, this bill would roll back all of the Constitutional violations erected in the name of the so-called war on terror. Use your personal comments to add that you are especially opposed to warrantless spying and immunity for the telecoms.

Finally, we still need phone calls to the Blue Dog Democrats in the House. Tell them to NOT sign the discharge petition that would bring the bad Senate FISA bill to an immediate vote in the House. If your rep is on this list, please call them . . .

Joe Baca (California) 202-225-6161
John Barrow (Georgia) 202-225-2823
Melissa Bean (Illinois) 202-225-3711
Marion Berry (Arkansas) 202-225-4076
Dan Boren (Oklahoma) 202-225-2701
Leonard Boswell (Iowa) 202-225-3806
Allen Boyd (Florida) 202-225-5235
Christopher Carney (Pennsylvania) 202-225-3731
Jim Cooper (Tennessee) 202-225-4311
Bud Cramer (Alabama) 202-225-4801
Lincoln Davis (Tennessee) 202-225-6831
Brad Ellsworth (Indiana) 202-225-4636
Tim Holden (Pennsylvania) 202-225-5546
Jim Matheson (Utah) 202-225-3011
Charlie Melancon (Louisiana) 202-225-4031
Dennis Moore (Kansas) 202-225-2865
Earl Pomeroy (North Dakota) 202-225-2611
Mike Ross (Arkansas) 202-225-3772
Heath Shuler (North Carolina) 202-225-6401
Zack Space (Ohio) 202-225-6265
John Tanner (Tennessee) 202-225-4714

Victory is near. Let’s go the extra mile. Send a message, and, if your Rep is on the list above, please make a call.

Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

P.S. As the President of, I’ve been fortunate to interact with another organization that I’d like to bring to your attention: the Free State Project, and their upcoming PorcFest.

The Free State Project (FSP) is an ambitious plan to provide “Liberty in our Lifetime.” The aim of the FSP is to recruit 20,000 pro-liberty activists to move to New Hampshire. They’ve already moved 500+ people there.

New Hampshire is already the freest state in the country. There is no general sales tax or income tax. It has been rated the most livable state, five years straight.

Just by moving, FSP participants have more of their rights respected and retain more of their income than they would in the rest of the country. 

But it doesn’t stop there. FSP participants are being elected to political offices, successfully lobbying the state house, starting profitable businesses, producing television and radio shows, as well as newspapers and newsletters, becoming active members of their communities, and in general, applying the critical mass of liberty lovers in the state to turn ideas into reality.

If the Free State Project sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to visit their website and become a participant.

I was pleased to be a speaker at both of FSP’s Liberty Forums, held during the winter. So I can tell you this is a good, family-oriented, fun group of people. And I would also encourage you to attend their upcoming festival in June, Porcfest – especially if you like camping and outdoor activities.

If your comment is off-topic for this post, please email us at


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