Media Alert: Downsize DC President Jim Babka guest-hosts a radio show tomorrow. And there’s a NEW way to listen to it. Details in the P.S.
A direct way to “downsize” the Federal State is to simply abolish unconstitutional, harmful, and unnecessary Cabinet Departments. That’s why has called for abolition of…
And now we target the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The reasons for this are given on a fact-filled Educate the Powerful campaign page.
I highlight a few of them in my letter to Congress. The hard-wired message says simply…
Abolish the Department of Homeland Security.
I added these comments, from which you may borrow or copy in sending a letter of your own…
When the DHS was created the year after 9/11, it lumped in 22 agencies from other departments to improve efficiency and coordination. It has FAILED…
* The budget jumped from $19.5 billion in 2002 to $44.1 billion in 2010.
* In fact, it’s a new avenue for pork-barrel spending. Only 25% of DHS anti-terrorism “grants” to local governments goes to actual terrorism prevention and response.
* Many of the agencies have only minor or tangential roles in possible terrorist attacks or response, and the DHS overseas far-flung responsbilities from anti-counterfeiting to flu epidemics.
* It hasn’t protected us from terrorism; most foiled “terror plots” were really sting operations of the FBI.Moreover…
* Neither the CIA nor even the FBI (a domestic agency) has been placed under the DHS umbrella.
* Which makes a coordinated, DHS-led antiterrorism strategy impossible; leaving the FBI and CIA out defeats the very purpose of the DHS.Even worse…
* It is funding pernicious, totalitarian Minority Report-style “pre-crime” experiments.
* The DHS funds “fusion centers,” which create reports about possible breeding grounds of terrorism. They include everything from third parties, Tea Party AND anti-Tea Party groups, and even student groups at historically black colleges.In other words, ANYONE who dissents or is dissatisfied with the status quo might be a terrorist. Such assessments reflect the paranoid minds of Statist bureaucrats and their political bosses, rather than reality.
And don’t get me started on the abuses and humiliations inflicted by the TSA!
One last point, the word “homeland” is offensive t o many Americans. It evokes the “blood and soil” patriotism of European-style nationalism or totalitarianism rather than the American patriotism traditionally understood as devotion to republican liberty. (
One has to wonder, was the initial use of the word “homeland” intentional? …is it conditioning us for tyrannical rule?
I know that you don’t want to be perceived as “against security.” But that doesn’t justify the continued waste, fraud, and abuse of the DHS. The DHS was has no real reason for existence. Some of its agencies should go back to the Departments they belonged to before 2002. Others should be abolished together, as should the DHS itself.
Once upon a time, a small boy declared the truth no one dared utter — “The emperor has no clothes.” I’m looking for similar courage in an elected official. The DHS is exposed. Will you have the courage to put an end to the waste, fraud, and abuse of this agency?
You can send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.
Do your friends know about the massive waste and outright harm the Department of Homeland Security is doing to all of us? Please share this Dispatch with them.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
P.S. I’m guest hosting a talk-radio show tomorrow (Wednesday). The show is Straight Talk w/Jerry Hughes, heard on the Accent Radio Network.
We’re going to discuss executing Americans. Did you know it’s now legal, if the President determines you’re a terrorist? Wait till you hear this defended by the Secretary of Defense.
Speaking of terrorists, I’m going to address them too. I’m going to explain why Americans are NOT their government, and why killing sheeple doesn’t work.
You can listen live at 2:07 PM Eastern (1:07 PM Central, 12:07 PM Mountain, and 11:07 PM Pacific).
To hear the show on the web, or to find a local station, visit the network’s website.
Affiliates can be found in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Oregon.
AND NOW THERE’S A NEW WAY TO LISTEN! On your phone! Toll free at 1-386-524-0333.