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July 11, 2006

New language for RTBA message to Congress

Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .

Our old message to Congress about the “Read the Bills Act” has always asked your Representative and Senators to sponsor the “Read the Bills Act.” Politicians, being tricky, have written back to DC Downsizers claiming they could not sponsor RTBA because it hasn’t been introduced in Congress yet. Your representatives could, of course, introduce it themselves, but they don’t think you know that.

We want to take this trick away from them. Therefore, we’ve changed the RTBA message to Congress to read as follows

“Congress needs to start reading the laws it passes. Please introduce’s “Read the Bills Act.” I know you have the power to introduce this legislation on your own, without waiting for anyone else. I urge you to do so. This is a much-needed, common sense reform. I can see no justification for not introducing it. I’m telling my friends about it, and I look forward to hearing that you’ve introduced it. You can find the text of the legislation here:”

This new message to Congress gives us a splendid opportunity for another RTBA blitz day. Please put pressure on your representatives to INTRODUCE RTBA in Congress. You can send your message to Congress by clicking here.

Then, do what the message to Congress says. Write a quick email to one or more friends asking them to go to the following link and urge Congress to INTRODUCE and pass RTBA.

Be a responsible snowflake. Build the avalance that will bury Congress. Spread the word until it is heard by everyone, everywhere, everyday.


RTBA is about to have a sibling. We proposed it, you funded it, and we did it. Our new “Write the Laws Act” will be a powerful companion to RTBA. Don’t remember what the “Write the Laws Act” is all about? Stay tuned.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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