GREAT NEWS! Rep. Scott R. Tipton (R) of Colorado District 3 is the 27th co-sponsor of the One Subject at a Time Act! Retweet
Now how do we get #28, #29, etc?
The key to getting more co-sponsors is having more DC Downsizers! Especially Downsizers who are ACTIVE! We have 31,000 subscribers. But only about 6,500 are “active.” We must expand both numbers! That’s why…
Three patrons have given us $50,000 to recruit 19,000+ new DC Downsizers. But that’s still not enough. We need YOUR help to meet the following objectives. We must constantly…
- Recruit more people
- Raise more money to fund more recruitment
- Increase the amount of pressure we exert on Congress
Please help us meet the following concrete goals by the end of June…
- Add 45 new DC Downsizers
- Raise $50 in monthly pledges
- Raise $500 in new one-time donations
You can do this by…
- Opening each Dispatch and doing every action you agree with
- Sharing that action with someone who agrees
- Starting a new monthly pledge or increasing an old one
- Making a one-time donation
We do more with a little than any other organization we know of. Give us a little more and we’ll do a lot more!
Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC