The Downsize DC Foundation’s website,, is growing — with several new articles. Today, we bring you one of those articles, from the Our Heresies category . . .
“Freedom Fighters Are Like Antiques.” by Jim Babka
Freedom fighters are like antiques. They require significant vintage.
It’s easy, in hindsight, to see the value of freedom. It’s simple, after the fact, to admire the radicals who brought it and to villify the tyrants who tried to crush those radicals.
It’s so easy, we wonder how anyone tolerated such corruption and stupidity. Our ancestors were so backward!
In the 1440s, Johannes Gutenberg gave the world the movable type printing press. Where before, written works were transcribed by hand making books very, very expensive — after Gutenberg, they could be mass-printed and sold at a greatly reduced cost.
Books exploded on to the scene. And today, EVERYONE, you included, thinks that was a positive development in the history of the world.
But back in the day . . .
It didn’t take long before terrorists started using Gutenberg’s device, starting with a man named William Tyndale.
Tyndale treasonously declared, “I defy the Pope, and all his laws; and if God spares my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost!”
To carry out his seditious plan, Tyndale decided to print the Holy Bible in English!
That’s NOT a very shocking thing to do, now. But back then the Bible was a virtual State Secret. Only the clergy had access to it. They would instruct their parishioners in law, modes of acceptable worship, and rules of conduct, with the implicit suggestion that they were basing their works upon God’s Word.
In this fashion, the Powers That Be (PTB) controlled the people. Tyndale treacherously believed that the people needed the information necessary to hold the PTB accountable. Thus…
Tyndale translated the Bible into English. He got it published and worked in the underground to circulate the contraband text. But then, he got caught and was held in a foreign prison. Ultimately, the PTB had him burned at the stake.
Vice President Joe Biden compared Tyndale to a “high-tech terrorist.” Senator Joe Lieberman supported treason charges.
Oops! Biden and Lieberman weren’t alive back then.
Biden and Lieberman said those things about Julian Assange, the face of Wikileaks.
See how easy it is to be backwards, like your ancestors? …to admire the tyrants who crush the radicals?
Almost every day you’ll find something new at the website.
Here are some of the other new articles there . . .
“Our Lexicon: Left-Statists and Right-Statists” If we must speak of the “Left” and “Right,” let’s do it this way.
“Strategic Thinking: The Rubber Band Syndrome vs. The Mental Depth Charge” Oliver Wendell Holmes famously said that “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Was he correct?
“Our Lexicon: Coercion” This is the only tool The State has.
There are also three new Fact Sheets to be found at the new site, ( where you can furnish your brain with powerful facts and examples — just in time for those holiday conversations with the relatives.
Merry Christmas & Happy Festivus from the Downsize DC Team.