Will Senator Elizabeth Warren merely grandstand or will she sponsor the Read the Bills Act? Retweet
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren posted a video on Friday (see below). In it she says she spent more time researching the purchase of a refrigerator than the Senate leadership provided her to read the new tax bill. She was expected to vote in about an hour, and…
The bill was 500 pages long! Actually, the situation is worse than that, as Warren explains in her 3min21sec complaint…
This gave us a case of déjà vu. Republican Tom Price had the same problem with the Democratic leadership back when they were pushing through the stimulus bill. Price’s 1min11sec video was posted eight years ago. So, it’s not hi-res. Otherwise, the rhetorical similarities with Warren’s video are stark.
Price went on to become Secretary of Health and Human Services under Trump, only to resign months later for not being as “fiscally conservative” as he portrayed himself. Warren is on the opposite end of the spectrum. But both claim to believe they should have time to read the bills before casting a vote.
If only someone had thought of that! {Sarcasm intended}
So the question is…
Will Senator Warren sponsor the Read the Bills Act or be a hypocrite?
But that question applies to every other member of Congress too. Please remember how the Republicans howled when Nancy Pelosi said they couldn’t read the Obamacare bill, and that the House would have to pass it to know what was in it.
Tell your elected reps to introduce and pass Downsize DC’s “Read the Bills Act.” You can use the letter we provide there or edit to your liking.
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Downsize DC