What we’re doing is so much fun because we make progress every day.
Yesterday we hit Congress with another 2,256 requests to repeal the REAL ID Act. If you haven’t sent your request for this month, please do so. Tell Congress you don’t want a national ID card or a centralized database of the personal information of all Americans. You can do so here.
111 new Downsizers have joined so far this month, bringing our total to 13,849. We’re closing in on 14,000. The Downsizer army grows daily. Let’s make it grow again today. Let’s hit Congress again about the “Read the Bills Act.”
So far, we’ve sent 48,651 requests for Congress to introduce and pass the “Read the Bills Act.” Let’s see if we can push that number over 50,000 today. You can do so here.
If you’re new to Downsize DC and don’t know about the “Read the Bills Act” — RTBA for short — the name says it all. RTBA would compel every member of Congress to read every word of every bill before voting to pass it. It would also create a 7-day waiting period before a vote can be held. This would give the media and the public time to digest and comment on legislation before it becomes law. RTBA would slow the growth of government by making Congress do its job.
But for Congress to behave responsibly WE must behave responsibly, and do our jobs as citizens. We need to tell our representatives what we want, and keep telling them until they give it to us.
There is absolutely no reason why Congress shouldn’t pass RTBA. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, even for a Congressman.
Ask Congress to pass the “Read the Bills Act.” You can do so here.
Thanks for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.