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June 15, 2007

Something you can show your friends

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .

Subject: Something you can show your friends

Imagine your Congressman before a large audience. Someone stands and asks him, “Do you think you should be able to pass unpopular legislation by combining it with a popular, but completely unrelated bill?”

How could he answer yes, in front of all those people?

Imagine challengers supporting the “One Subject at a Time Act” as a way of attacking incumbents. How much pressure of this kind would it take before Congress yields and passes the “One Subject at a Time Act” (OSTA)?

OSTA is a tool. OSTA is a weapon. OSTA, like the “Read the Bills Act,” is designed to . . .

* Expose Congress
* Embarass Congress
* Corner Congress
* And make Congress pay a price for upsizing the Federal Monopoly

If Congress can’t pass bad bills by combining them with good bills, if every measure has to stand and fall on its own merits alone, then Congress will have to work much harder to make the Federal Monopoly grow. And we won’t have to work quite as hard to make it downsize.

OSTA is a way of making Congress defend itself. OSTA turns the tables. Instead of us always defending against what they’re doing, we can play offense for a change, and make Congress defend itself against what we’re doing.

OSTA is the kind of reform most Americans would support. It can help us attract a large army to exert relentless, inescapable, resistance numbing pressure on Congress. And when that happens . . .

Will you be able to open the webpage for the OSTA campaign and show your friends your name on the roster of people who brought OSTA to life?

That may depend on what you do today.

Today is the deadline for getting your name put on the OSTA webpage.

The minimum contribution to be listed is a $5 monthly pledge, or a $60 one time contribution. Contribute more if you can because the names will be listed by the size of the contribution.

You can contribute here.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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