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August 27, 2012

Subverting Statism in a Simple Step

It may be hard to imagine, but a conversation can be a subversive act. You may have great power to undermine statism just by speaking about a forbidden topic.

When you call a behavior “criminal,” it shocks some people.

But if something as simple as speaking up could make a real impact, would you do it?

  • Are the Powerful and all their associated interests benefiting from our reticence?
  • Perhaps peer pressure is being used to keep us quiet. Because…
  • Everytime we discuss the costs and failures of statism, we're undermining the system.

Most political discussion sounds like talk radio. Lots of propaganda and noise. When we join in, not only do we sound just like the partisans, but we’re also avoiding the true cost of the damage done by the system. The result?

Statists are empowered by our self-censorship.

Are we reluctant to frame the debate in moral terms? …even scared?

Members of our team and close friends are having new conversations. And you know what?

It turns out fear is the boogeyman. We're finding…

There's a lot of pain out there. Things are very upside down. Lots of people sense it. But…

Many feel alone. They know there's a problem. But they're also afraid to express it. Maybe, they lack the words – they don't feel eloquent. Maybe they don't even understand the problem, and they need someone to explain it to them.

Start a conversation, and you might connect them. You can…

  • Provide the explanation for why the “government” is so bad.
  • Let people know they are not alone.

And they're more likely to speak out and even do something, if others are by their side.

You want more allies, right? You want more Americans to Deny Consent to violations of the Zero Aggression Principle, don't you?

Remember, the Zero Aggression Principle is…

             No one should initiate harm against another.

What if we had a conversation about that moral principle? Could that be a revolutionary act?

What if that “revolutionary conversation” became so popular that everyone was having it?

Do you want to make this “revolutionary conversation” happen? Do you want to spark moral indignation and a nonviolent revolution?

Do you want tools to help make the Zero Aggression Principle a central part of the dialogue nationally? …or even with just your family and friends?

Then become a Co-Founder of the Zero Aggression Project…

Or, because we want to make it possible for everyone to participate… 

Become an Associate Founder…

Contributions to the Downsize DC Foundation are tax-deductible, if you itemize. To wrap up this month, we’re hoping to find someone to invest $2,000. That’s all it takes, for now, to be at the top of the list!

With your help, we’re building tools you’ll proudly use with friends. Together, we’ll change the world with a message of hope.

ZAP The State and have a nice day.

Jim Babka
The Zero Aggression Project
An initiative of the Downsize DC Foundation

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