Make government programs compete with voluntary solutions Retweet
Let us (the growing Downsize DC Army) constantly…
- Increase the amount of libertarian pressure Congress feels.
- Push to change the rules and incentives by which the system operates.
Today’s action fits this requirement perfectly…
- The UCCA (Universal Charitable Credit Act) would let every American decide how to spend $500 of their taxes.
- This would help fund better solutions to social problems and make government programs compete with those solutions.
- And once Americans get used to controlling some of their money, they will have an incentive to pressure Congress to expand the tax credit.
This is high-leverage idea gets your nose inside the statist’s spending tent.
Tell your reps to sponsor We Do Better’s Universal Charitable Tax Credit Act.
Remember these strategic points…
- Blue-pill-myth: Congress doesn’t listen.
- Red-pill-truth: Your “representatives” listen to what you say for the same reason they buy public opinion polls. You just need to shout LOUDER than the statists do.
The easiest way to do that, send more letters. Do every action we send you that you agree with.
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC