According to my count, in 2010 . . .
- The Senate has passed 183 bills totalling 8,085 pages – – an average of 44 pages per bill.
- The House passed 346 bills totalling 15,360 pages — also, incredibly, an average of 44 pages per bill.
Our monthly tallies are here:
- January
- February
- March (Note: this post has incomplete information that we are not able to change)
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
Note: the pages reflected in these tallies are according to the version of the bill as it passed the chamber. In other words – the version that members of Congress could have and should have read. Bills signed into law are in much smaller fonts and are are approximately half the number of pages.
It is likely that in November and December, both the House and Senate will rush to pass perhaps hundreds of bills – most of them unread and undebated. If this offends you, please check out’s Read the Bills Act.