We had to share this news immediately . . .
On September 5th we launched a campaign for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. This bill requires the government to create a searchable, online database of “who, how much, and why,” for everyone who receives more than $25,000 from the federal government.
This bill would make it possible to know, for the first time, who is feeding at the federal trough. Having this database would be a major step forward in exposing government corruption, special favors, corporate welfare, and waste.
It’s exactly the kind of thing people say Congress would never pass, because it threatens Congressional power. We hear it all the time about “Read the Bills,” “Write the Laws,” and our proposed “One Subject at a Time Act.” Nearly everyone likes these proposals, but many are certain they could never pass.
The people who say that are just plain wrong, and the fate of the Transparency Act proves it.
* The Senate passed this legislation Thursday night, by unanimous consent, 100 to NOTHING!
* House and Senate leaders have already agreed to common language for the bill.
* The final version is expected to steamroll through both Houses.
DC Downsizers helped make this happen. Your calls and messages helped force Congress to take this step. Congress did this because it was too embarrassing for them not to do it.
It is important to note that the level of pressure it took to accomplish this was nowhere near the level we aim to achieve to pass “Read the Bills,” “Write the Laws,” and the “One Subject at a Time Act.” It did not require relentless, inescapable, mind-numbing pressure to pass the Transparency Act. It may not take that much pressure to pass the Downsize DC Agenda either, but we will keep going until we’ve reached whatever amount of pressure it will take.
The point is this: Congress can be forced to submit to common sense reform. It isn’t a matter of IF we will pass RTBA and the other bills, but WHEN. So take heart, and chip into the effort. This can work, and it will work if YOU make it work.
Congratulations on a big success. And thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Perry Willis
Communications Director
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.