Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .
Subject: Urgent Action Item!
There are several versions of bills designed to replace the hastily passed “Protect America Act,” which legalized warrantless spying on Americans. Congress is debating these replacement bills right now, and could vote on them in the next 24 to 48 hours.
One of the proposed replacement bills is the RESTORE Act, and the other is the FISA Modernization bill.
The latter bill does essentially what our current campaign on this issue asks Congress to do, which is to repeal the so-called “Protect America Act.” Please send a message to Congress right now and add the following to your personal comments . . .
“Please support the FISA Modernization bill. Please oppose the RESTORE Act.”
Time is of the essence, so act now. You will not be alone. Scores of other organizations are working with us to do the same thing, and we are getting Congress’s attention. Join the flood. Send your message.
Please also do the following . . .
Help us prepare to exploit the new political environment that will exist after the presidential primaries are over. Congressman Ron Paul has caused an explosion of public discussion about smaller government. This discussion must not end when the campaign ends, it must expand.
We can tell you precisely what is required for Downsize DC to be a major force in both continuing and expanding the discussion when the time comes. We need 16 cents a day from 1,000 Downsizers. Sixteen cents a day is just $5 per month.
When we’ve recruited another one thousand monthly credit card pledgers at $5 or more we’ll be in a position to buy advertising with every additional dollar we receive above that. Doing so will recruit more Downsizers faster, and carry Downsizing proposals to more and more people. All it takes to reach that point is 16 cents per day from 1,000 Downsizers.
Plus . . .
If you can start a micro-pledge of just $5 (or more if you want us to move forward even faster) we’ll send you a slick little booklet called “The Downsize DC Vision.” Here’s how one Downsizer, Jon E. of PA, who has already read the booklet, describes it . . .
“Amazing work. Armed with this simple philosophy and few practical examples, I can see the seed group of starters propagating this out into political evolution versus revolution. The Vision reads a bit like Covey meets Deepak Chopra, with more than a hint of Sun Tzu, touching on organizational efficiency/behavior as well as human nature and the universal laws of success.”
Get your copy of “The Downsize DC Vision.” Become one of the 1,000. Get your name listed here. Start your micro-pledge now.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.