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March 14, 2007

Urgent Action Needed!

Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .

Subject: Whistleblower Protection — URGENT ACTION NEEDED!

H.R. 985 is titled the “Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007.” We love the concept. Federal employees who “blow the whistle” on government wrong-doing are an indispensable protection.

If those within government do not tell us when the government is breaking the law there is often no way we will know. Who watches the watchmen? The answer is whistleblowers.

Previous legal protections for whistleblowers have been gutted by court decisions. H.R. 985 is designed to restore and enhance these protections.

Whistleblowers protect us, so we should protect them from retaliation by higher-ups looking to cover-up.

A vote could be held on H.R. 985 as soon as today, so we need to take action now.

The bill is 30 pages long. It’s a dense read. Like most Congressional legislation it amends old laws without the reader being able to easily see exactly what the old legislation said. You also have to keep flipping back and forth as one section refers to another section.

So having said, this is an important bill. The Liberty Coalition and the National Whistleblowers Center are both supporting it, and so will we. There seems to be a crime wave going on in the federal government right now, and we need whistleblowers to expose these crimes.

We need your immediate help to pass this legislation.

Please send a message right now telling your Representative to support H.R. 985.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you’re logged-in to send a message using our Congressional Contact System, you will see the phone number of your Representative on your computer screen. Please dial that number and deliver the same message by phone (but keep it brief). Time is short, so in this instance, phone calls are just as important as web form messages.

Also, please help us in our work by making a contribution, or by starting a monthly credit card pledge here.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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