For politicians the word cut always means increase. #sequester #tlot Retweet
CISA Update: Our comment about yesterday’s CISA Vote appears in the P.S.
Where is Jim Babka? Last night he was on Free Talk Live. Today he’s in the latest episode of the Tom Woods Show. Tomorrow, he’s on the Gary Nolan Show. Next week, you can see him in three Florida cities. Details are in the P.P.S. below today’s…
URGENT Action Item…
We predicted this in our Monday message. We told you that President Obama didn’t veto the annual National Defense Appropriations Act (NDAA) in order to save money, but as a strategy to make the Republicans spend more on domestic programs too. Well…
It worked. Obama has cut a deal with the Republicans that does a number of bad things…
- The debt ceiling limit will be wiped out (yet again), and extended into the next president’s term
- Spending will rise $80 billion above the sequestration caps
- That money will be split evenly between the increased defense spending the Republicans want, and the increased domestic spending the Democrats want
- There will also be an extra $32 billion defense slush fund that the President can spend overseas as he sees fit — something that the Present and the Republican War Party both like
- The politicians are pretending to pay for all of this with increased cuts that will supposedly happen in the future. But you can be sure that those “cuts” will eventually turn into increases that will also be “paid for” by yet more future “cuts,” that will also never happen.
For politicians the word cut means increase. This is like paying your credit card bill by promising to borrow less in the future.
Please understand…Congress clearly plans to gut all the budget “laws” they passed to control spending. We’re now back to borrowing and spending without limit. This shows how lawless and anarchistic Congress is. They won’t be governed by anything. Please deny your consent to this.
Congress may vote on this deal today or tomorrow, so please act now!
Send Congress a message using our campaign to “Cut spending,” The hardwired message for the campaign reads simply…
Cut federal spending.
Copy or edit the following sample letter for your personal comments…
I deny consent to the budget deal agreed to by President Obama and the GOP leadership. I want spending cuts for both the military and domestic programs. I want the sequester caps to be maintained. Better yet, balance the budget immediately. Refuse to raise the debt ceiling limit.
- Send your letter to Congress
- Forward this email to your friends and ask them to do the same
- Please consider making a contribution or starting a monthly pledge to support our work
Thank you,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-founders, Downsize DC
P.S. Yesterday, the Senate voted to pass CISA. Here’s Downsize DC’s statement on the vote…
CISA is no Halloween treat. It’s a trick — the attempt to disguise another surveillance state tool in the costume of a safer internet. We’ve been fighting this undead proposal since 2012, but like a zombie it kept coming back. We urge the President to veto it.
P.P.S. Thursday, Jim Babka is on the Gary Nolan Show. Click, Listen Live at the station website.
Today, the podcast is available of Jim Babka’s appearance on the Tom Wood’s Show, which included a discussion of the late, great Harry Browne.
Last night, Jim Babka was on the nationally-syndicated show, Free Talk Live. You can still listen to the archive of that episode.
In each of these last two interviews, Jim spoke about about…
Jim Babka will appear in three Florida cities – Orlando, Fort Myers, and Tampa, November 3, 4, and 5 respectively. The title of his talk will be… How ONE Voluntaryist can make Florida a Libertarian place.
What if everything we libertarians have tried created discouragement instead of success? What if something simple could make the difference instead? What if just one person has the power to change things?
Maybe you don’t live in Florida, but you have a friend or family member who’d benefit from this information. We hope you’re intrigued enough to check it out. The details can be found on the Zero Aggression Project blog.