Happy Birthday, DownsizeDC.org! Retweet
Today, I have a big announcement — it’s a “finally happening” moment. But let’s reminisce a bit first…
DownsizeDC.org was born 13 years ago today. We began small with software built on a shoestring budget, our Electronic Lobbyist System. We lived with its limitations until…
We launched a new website on July 15, 2008. That site worked better, had new tools and features, and was easier for our Downsize DC Army to share! Our improved software was called the Educate the Powerful System (ETP-System).
As you can see, mid-July time has been a time of birth and rebirth for us.
Frankly, our latest rebirth is overdue. Our last major enhancements happened in 2011. That’s why I’m pleased to announce, here on our birthday, the launch date for our new website, which is…
Monday, July 24
And this is no mere update. We’re delivering a brand new website. It will eventually include more than a dozen new tools for you.
So say goodbye to the ETP-System. Say hello to your Engagement Toolbox. On Day One you’ll…
- No longer copy-and-paste your letters to Congress. The sample letter will be in the webform on our website. Letter sending will be easier and quicker.
- Hurdle Congressional barriers. Those in districts where reCAPTCHAs blocked your letters.
- Find sharing DownsizeDC.org to be easier than ever.
Nevertheless, we consider this a “beta site.” That means, we’re testing then improving an incomplete product. Therefore…
- We’ll learn from your use of the site how to make it even better.
- We’ll expand your toolbox by adding new features and continuing to improve the website user experience throughout the rest of this year and into the next.
But there’s more “good stuff” coming…
Our early days were filled with growth. Like an old friend, a feature from those early years will be returning.
Right after we launch, we’ll be making another big announcement. It’s a record-breaker.
This wouldn’t be possible without our monthly pledgers who’ve stuck by us. You can help the new Downsize DC Engagement Toolbox get off to a great start by joining them or making a one-time contribution.
Mark your calendars for July 24!
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.