has weathered the storm. It’s time to focus on the future.
In this message, I’ll…
- Tell you about the wonderful response we received to our “wolf-at-the-door” appeals.
- Preview the exciting plans we have.
Thank you to everyone who contributed funds and wrote encouraging letters.
- We had a goal to raise $8,000, we topped it with $8,635.02.
- We wanted to locate the pledgers that would get us back to our record of 762. Pledges run throughout the month, so we won’t know our actual progress until the month’s end. But we do know that we added 30 of them!
- Plus, we added $744/month to our pledge budget. Pledges = stability. So this was the news that excited me most! By the end of April, we’ll need to add another 30 more.
Indeed, we must keep being assertive so that we’ll never return to such a down-and-out position. So if you’ve held-off waiting to see if we’re going to make it, well… Things look a lot better already. Consider joining us now with a one-time contribution or monthly pledge.
We’re getting back to Action this week. But I want to give you a hint of COMING ATTRACTIONS.
First, the next Dispatch will chronicle three recent victories. They give us something to build on. We’ll recognize the Zodhiates Fourth Amendment amicus brief supporters.
Second, we are working out the final details of not just one, but two major announcements. Neither is resolved or ready. We’re literally in the final stages in both cases. I cannot wait to share the big news with you.
Third, we’re going to introduce the largest new initiative we’ve had in years. This concept is simplicity itself, yet so sweeping that it could change everything for the libertarian movement.
Thank you for being a SUPPORTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
P.S. Why pledge? Pledges = stability. Stability means you can plan ahead instead of worrying about the present. With our basics handled, we can be more assertive. For example, tomorrow’s message will talk about our amicus brief program. The more briefs we file, the more times we can move the courts in a libertarian direction. We file eight to ten briefs per year. Last year, we won three cases. Want us to file more?